30) sisters by chance friends by choice

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(Please read the note at the end)

Andrea POV
It's been weeks since the trial and everything with Scarlett has been crazy. "Hey Bambina." Mama said as I walked into the kitchen "hey mama." I said as I sat at the table. "You okay Andi?" She asked me I just nodded as I started eating my breakfast. "Good morning mama." I hear Scarlett say as she walks in the kitchen and sits beside me "hey." She says as she sits down "hi." I say "you okay?" She asked I just nod but being honest I haven't slept in like weeks I feel maybe more it sucks. But I'm okay right mama puts a plate in front on Scarlett which pulls me back reality somewhat. Honestly I don't understand why mama is still making her breakfast she doesn't eat it. "Andi you okay?" Mama asked me "yea I'm okay just sleepy." I tell her which is true but it's not like anyone notices anyway.

After putting my plate away and Scarlett telling mama she's full from 3 bites we grab our bags and get in the car. At school mama tells us bye and she loves us also tells us to go to the station after school so mom can take us home cause she has to work late. As we walk into school we get stopped by Kelly "hey you got my homework!?" She ask and of course I had it along with Scarlett's and mine I give her it " there happy." I say and walk past her Scarlett not far behind "hey Andi wait I..I didn't know you where still doing her homework." Scarlett says "I'm always doing her homework scar you know that." I tell her "right sorry." She says and she goes to meet up with Sarah.

At lunch me and Kristin sit with Scarlett, Sarah and Summer "so after mama said we have to go to the station." Scarlett said "yea I heard her." I snap a little "okay just want to make sure you heard her because you seem zoned out." She says  "sorry I just had a long night." I tell her "it's okay." Scarlett says. "You got me a C on my work?" I turn to see Kelly walking up to the table "so it's just one C you will live Kelly." Sarah said "oh so the girlfriend talks for both of you now?" Kelly says "No she doesn't but just because you got a C doesn't mean you have to be mad at my sister." Scarlett said " oh now you speak? What happened at the trail cat had your tongue?" She said "leave her along Kelly." Sarah said "what you gonna do about it?" Kelly said "look it want happen again okay just leave us alone okay." I say "fine but it better not happen again." Kelly says and walks off. "You okay Scar?" Sarah asked "yea I'm okay." She said putting her uneaten food back into her lunch bag. "You need to eat scar." I tell her "I will later not hungry right now." She says I just nod.

In my last class Mrs.Wright was handing out report cards "okay class time for report cards." She said there was a lot of sighs from the class. Scarlett got hers and smiled at me as a thank you for doing her homework for the past couple months she had missed. I looked at mine and all I could do was stare at it no facial expression nothing I couldn't believe it. Moms are gonna be so mad. I never get below a B on anything. After the bell rang we got our stuff and started to the station "you okay Andi?" Scar asked "yea I'm find." I tell her

When we get to the station me and Scarlett put our bags in moms office and Scarlett goes to the lounge as for me I stayed in moms office. "Hey sweetie." I heard mom said as she walked in. "Hey mom." I say "how was school?" She asked "it was okay boring but okay." I tell her "did Scarlett eat?" She asked me " not at lunch but she said she did in gym class." I told her which I wasn't completely sure if that was true cause I didn't see her eat and Sarah or Summer isn't in that class. "Okay  you got homework?" She asked and I nodded when do I not have homework I thought to myself I mean between mine, Scarlett's and Kelly's I never have time for anything not even sleep "okay I'll leave you to do it. Mama and I want to see that report card tonight okay." She said  I nodded again. I'm so not ready for them to see that.

About an hour later we all went home and about 3 hours after that mama got home with takeout which only happens when mama works longer then mom. As we got done with dinner mama cleaned the kitchen and Scarlett went to her room I sat in the living room dreading moms seeing my grades maybe I can wait till in the morning to show them or sometime tomorrow. I don't think we have anything planned. I look over my shoulder and see moms aren't paying attention and quietly run upstairs to my room. About 10 minutes later I heard a knock and the door open as I laid in my bed and pretended to be asleep just so moms wouldn't ask about my grades "Andi?" I heard mom said I stayed quiet. "Let her sleep Bella will talk to her tomorrow." I heard mama say.

*the next morning *

After a long night of not being able to sleep because of working on Scarlett's homework for next Monday along with Kelly's and my own I got changed and went downstairs to get breakfast "morning Bambina." Mama said "morning mama." I say and give her a hug. "Morning mama." Scar comes in says sitting beside me at the table "morning Bella." Mama says not long after mom comes down and says good morning to everyone and we all say it back "oh moms don't forget we have track practice and your supposed to be helping today." Scarlett says "okay and let's see those report cards from yesterday?" Mom asked scar got up and got hers and gave it to them "good job Scarlett." Mom says as I hand them mine I see the look on there faces change oh no here it comes I can feel it "Bambina why do you have a D in Math and Science?" Mama asked "uh um.." I stutter. "Andi?" Mom says I couldn't hold it back anymore I felt the tears and the anxiety coming I felt like couldn't breathe "I'm..sorry idk...I just been really stressed and everything that's happened lately I just wanted to help...and everyone expects me to have it all together...and be good at everything...I....I..i... can't do it anymore. I'm sorry I got bad grades...I was late on a few assessment... and a few test where bad..I'm...sorry. Also I haven't been sleeping great plus had extra homework.." I tell them "what are you talking about you slept last night." Mom said "I wasn't asleep I just didn't want you both to see this last night and be mad." I say "I'm gonna be late mom." Scarlett says "okay okay we will talk about this later Andi I expected better from you I expect those grades to come up." Mom said "but mom I have been trying I've just had a lot of extra work." I say not wanting them to know that I have been doing Scarlett's work since her accident happened. " Andi they get it okay come on mom." Scarlett says "we'll talk when we get back." Mom said running out the door with Scarlett. Great now I've probably made them late and scars gonna be mad just great.

A/N: hey loves hope you all like this chapter this was inspired by victoriousfan13621  thank you for the inspiration also anyone else who has ideas please message me or leave them in the comments. Thank you again for all your support also.
Also 2 updates in one night yay 😁

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