3) race day

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Scarlett's POV
It's time I've been up since 2am it's now 6am mom should be getting up soon so we can go for a run then my shake at 8 then to the field so I can warm up. I hear a knock on my door "come in." I say "morning kiddo how long you been up?" Mom says "um not long." I lie if she knew I been up since 2am she wouldn't let me go for a run this morning "you sure about that kiddo you look like you been working out for a while." She said "I'm sure mom." I say "let's go please." I say as I walk to the kitchen. "Scarlett are you sure about this?" Mom asked me "yes I need this coach will be upset if I mess up so yes I'm sure." I tell her "what do you mean your coach will be upset you said it was better then last year." She say " it is mom I just...nothing okay can we just run then get ready for my meet today." I say "okay fine but shake first." Mom says "mom I don't drink my shakes till after 7am by the time we get back home It will be time for it okay." I say as I put my shoes on and walk to the door "you coming or what slow poke." I say and we start our run.

Andreas POV
My alarm goes off at 7:30am I have 30 minutes before mom and scar get back from there usual Saturday morning runs that gives me time to help mama with breakfast if she's up if not then I can make it. Also gives me time to get ready for the day. I get up and go downstairs to start breakfast when I see mama drinking her coffee "morning bambina." She says "morning mama how did you sleep?" I asked "wonderful bella how did you sleep?" She questioned "good after I got done with my homework." I tell her "how long did that take you?" She asked knowing I do all my homework on Friday instead of waiting till last minute like Scarlett "um well not long I guess I was up till about 2am." I tell her but I mean we watched that movie so I didn't get to my room until like 11pm anyways so there's that. "Bambina you don't need to be up that late." She tells me "I wasn't the only person up at 2 mama." I tell her "what do you mean?." She asked "it sounded like Scarlett was up also." I tell her "and she's out on a run with you mom." Mama says "yea I guess." I say as I start food and we hear the door open "Scarlett Mason Deluca-Bishop!" Mama yelled "hi to you to mama." Scar says as her and mom walk in and take there shoes off "you where up at 2am this morning?" Mama asked "um what.?" Scar says "answer me." Mama says "kiddo is that true?" Mom asked her "um no moms no I didn't get up until like 30 or 45 minutes before mom came to my room." Scar lies to moms she makes the same face every time she lies. She don't look at them she holds her hands together like she's playing with her fingers and then she bits her cheek. "She's lying." I say "wow really Andi?" Scar says "is it true Scarlett are you lying?" Mom asked "would it matter if I was I have a meet in 2 hours I need to get ready." Scar says there's something up with Scarlett I just don't know what ever since the summer when she started practicing with the high school she's been off. She's been up at 2 or 3 am working not eating like she should. "Yes it would." Mama says "ugh." Scar groans and goes upstairs. "She's mad." I say "Andi worry about breakfast okay please." Mama says "okay." I say and go back to making it.

Scarlett's POV
It's almost time for the race we leave in 30 minutes to go to the field. I hear a knock on my door "come in." I say and Andi walks in "hi." She say "what do you want?" I asked "I just wanted to say I'm sorry but you don't need to lie to moms." She says "look why do you care if I lie or not your the perfect person right straight 'A's it don't matter what happens as long as Andrea wants to do it or it's okay with her." I say "look just cause your mad I told moms you lied don't mean you have to be so mean to me I just want you to be okay you remember what happened last time you got stressed and over work yourself for a meet." She say "so I'm fine okay I can handle it you don't have to worry." I say "Girls it's time to go!!" Mom yells "coming!" I yelled back.

We get to the field "okay kiddo you ready?" Mom asked "yea I think so." I say "okay I got to go warm up with the team see y'all after." I say and run off to the team. "Bishop, Johnson, and Evens y'all are up first." The coach said "sir it Deluca-Bishop." I say "no just bishop." He said I swear he get on my nerves "coach Bishop been a long time." I hear a man say 'Bishop?' I think to myself who could that be I mean I know my moms last name is Bishop but could it be him the only people we get to see on her side is Mason and her mom I don't think I have ever met her dad.

Me, Summer Evens and Kelly Johnson get to the starting line "Hey Bishop!!" Coach yells "you know what you gotta do!" He yells again. Why does he want me to beat moms time so bad moms 100m was 10.03 and her 200m 19.20 yesterday at practice I did my 100m in 10.12 and my 200m in 20.09 he wasn't gonna let me leave until I got them down but he had to the principal was there. So I ended up just nodding my head.

A/N: sorry it's long the race will be in the next part hope y'all like it last one today part 4 will be up tomorrow

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