39) The accident

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Andreas POV
After the new year we are back at school last week was the first week back after Christmas break and it was the longest day ever I believe. Scarlett's been better moms aren't as worried anymore. That's good I guess right now I'm sitting in home room doing some homework that my history teacher gave us yesterday. First day back and he already had us work todo. After home room I had math with Scarlett. I walk in and Kelly is giving Scarlett a hard time like always but Scarlett told me not to get involved so I'll just stay out of it she looks like she's got in handled her and Sarah at least. "Okay class take you books out and turn to page 394." Mr. Smith said we all do as he says except for Kelly "Mr.Smith it's the second day back do we really need to do work today?" She asked "yes Kelly we do you have to learn something okay no more talking get to work do questions 1,3,5,7,9, and 11 for class work and do 2,4,6,8,and 10 for homework." Mr.Smith said Kelly signed

After class it was lunch time me Scarlett Summer Sarah and Kristin all sat at the table together eating. "So what you doing after school?" Sarah asked Scarlett "um I think we have track practice why?" Scarlett responded "I was gonna see if we could hang out and do something." Sarah said "oh yea I'll ask moms and we should be able to hang out after practice." Scar told her "scar is mom or mama picking me up today?" I asked "um I think mama is moms coming to watch practice." She tells me. I just nod in response

After lunch classes went by fast and it was already time for us to go home Scarlett, Sarah and Summer all went to practice. Kristin and I went to wait for our parents. It was 3:30 so mama should be here soon. "How has it been at home?" Kristin asked "its been okay there not so worried about Scarlett anymore so thats good." I tell her "yea has she had anymore episodes?" She asked "no not really moms worried it will happen when there not there like at school or practice so mom said she's gonna start coming to practice." I told her we talked a little while longer and she got picked up then it was just me. I looked at my phone to see it was now 4:15 mamas never this late I thought to myself mom has already made it to the practice field. So I decided to call mama

*phone call*

Mama: Hi Bambina

Andi: Hey mama where are you?

Mama: Bambina I'm sorry I got pulled into a surgery I won't be able to pick you up. Can you ride with mom or Kristin?"

Andi: she is gonna be here till 6 with Scarlett and I have stuff todo at home also Kristin already left. Can I just walk home today it won't take long?

Mama: oh I'm sorry Bambina si that should be fine. Let me know when you get home okay.

Andi: okay mama I love you bye

Mama: I love you to Bambina

*end of phone call*

After hanging up the phone I started walking home. The walk was taking longer then I thought it would. It's almost 5:30 and I'm only halfway there I'm not fast by no means but I should have been more then halfway there by now.

*An hour later*

Carina POV
I hear the door come open "mama we're home!" I hear Scarlett yell I walk out of the kitchen to the hall "hey Bambina hey Bella." I say "when did you get home?" Maya asked me as Scarlett hugged me and went off to her room "about an hour maybe I got pulled into a surgery at 4:00." I tell her "so you didn't get Andi?" She asked me as she put her arms around me for a hug. "No. I told her to get a ride with you or Kristin but she didn't want to stay till you left and Kristin had already left she asked to walk home I said it was fine." I tell just now thinking about it I haven't heard from her or see her since I been home. "Is she in her room?" Maya asked kissing my cheek and pulling away from the hug to put her bag down. "Um I think so I haven't really looked I trusted she'd tell me when she got here." I tell her "so you just didn't check?" She asked "um well no I..I didn't think about it." I say and we hear Scarlett coming down the stairs "moms Andi not in her room." She tells us. Me and maya share a look. "Call her ." Maya tells me.

Andreas POV
I was about home my phone died an hour ago lucky me. I go to cross the street to get to my house I see moms cars in the driveway I can't believe I didn't make it before them. I go to go across the road I looked both ways I got it and start to cross....

Mayas POV
After telling Carina to call Andi we hear tires skid on the road and a scream me and Carina make eye contact and Scarlett goes to the window "OMG mom someone got hit by a car!" She yells. I run outside to see if I can help while Carina calls 911.

Andreas POV
Everything hurts. I hear someone get out of a car "OMG HELP SOMEONE!" They yell "your gonna be okay." Someone said bending down beside me "ma'am what happened?" I heard a familiar voice "mom..." I said softly "Omg Andi." Mom said kneeling beside me "Maya is she okay?" Mama asked "Carina stay there okay I got it." Mom said calmly "maya let me help." Mama said "just wait with Scarlett." Mom said "mom..it hurts..." I tell her "I know baby they're coming." Mom tells me "ma'am please stay right there don't let them see yet." I heard mom tell the other person . "Yes ma'am." They said. Not long after that I heard the ambulance. "Keep them beautiful eyes open for me baby." Mom tells me "mom..I'm scared.." I tell her "what do we have Deluca-Bishop?" I heard another familiar voice "omg maya what happened." Someone else says.

Mayas POV
"Vic just get the gurney. Travis go get ready to drive I'm coming with you both." I tell them "okay." Travis says. "Travis what's going on." I hear Carina ask Travis but I don't hear anything thing from Travis. "She doesn't know it's Andi does she ?" Vic asked me as we got her on the gurney. " no she doesn't get her in the aid car I'll be there in a few." I tell her walking over to Carina. "My love I need you to get in the car with Scarlett and meet me at the hospital..."I go to tell her but she cuts me off "but maya Andreas not home what.." I cut her off "Carina love I'm riding with her to the hospital she was hit by the car okay she's stable right now but I got to go okay." I tell her "oh my god maya." She says "love I know go okay I'll see you there." I say "maya we got to go now!" I hear Vic "okay." I run to the aid car.

Once we get to the hospital and get her out of the aid car "what do we have." Dr. Hunt asked "15 year old female hit by a car. Crushed lift leg, fractured right arm and head lack." Vic tells him "okay let's go trauma 1." He says I follow them in " you need to wait here maya" Travis tells me I just nod. Please be okay. I say to myself.

A/N: hey you all hope you all like it sorry it took a while to get it out I'm working on the next to chapters not sure when I'll be able to get them out let me know what you think.

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