14) She'll be okay

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Carinas POV
I woke up the next morning and got ready to start breakfast. Not long after I woke up Maya was up. "Morning love." Maya said as she gave me a kiss on the cheek "morning Bella." I say a few minutes later we hear the front door open. I give Maya a look then Scarlett walks into the kitchen "morning moms." She said "I'm gonna go take a shower and the get ready for school." Scarlett told us we nod "she's back to running in the morning's?" I asked "I guess." Maya says "your supposed to go with her on her runs maya." I tell her "I know. She didn't tell me last night she was going on a run." She tells me. I continue making breakfast "Maya will you make sure Andi is up please?" I asked "yea." She says and goes to Andi room. "What's for breakfast mama?" I hear Scarlett asked "French toast bambina." I say "sweet I can't wait." She say "bambina can I ask you something." I say "yea of course mama." She says "what time did you go for your run?" I ask her "it's 7:30 now so about 3:30. Why?" She tells me "you left the house at 3:30 this morning?" I say "yea it's no big deal." She says "Bella it is you where out for 4 hours by yourself your supposed to get mom to go with you." I tell her "mama I was fine I don't see what the deal is." She says "Scarlett what if you got hurt?" I asked "I would have called you or mom. But I didn't get hurt I don't see why I can't run by myself." She says "why did you leave at 3:30 when you normally leave at 5:30?" I asked " I couldn't sleep and got bored in my room." She tells me. "This doesn't happen again you got it." I tell her "yea okay." She says I make her and Andi a plate. At that time Andi walks into the kitchen. "What time did you get up?" She asked Scarlett "3:30 why?" Scar said "just asking." Andi said and they eat breakfast as did me and maya. "Okay girls off you go have a good day." I tell them as they go out the door. Me and Maya sit on the couch for a little bit. "Scarlett went running at 3:30 this morning." I say "really?" Maya asked I nodded "I'll talk to her later about it." Maya says "okay I love you I got to go see you tonight." She says and kisses me goodbye. Not long after she leaves I get my stuff and get ready to leave.

Mayas POV
I get to the station and everyone's already there. "Morning 19!" I say as I walk into the beanery "morning captain." Everyone said back Ben and Vic was making food the others were sitting doing some paperwork or something else. "How's the kiddos?" Jack asked "there good." I say "how's Scarlett doing with the new track coach?" Andy asked "she's good other then waking up at 3 in the morning to go on runs without letting anyone know." I tell her "oh that's happening again." Vic said "yea." I say "didn't it happen like a few years ago?" Andy asked "yea 3 years ago." I say "what do you think it has to do with?" Andy asked "I think it has to do with her still coping with Andrews death but I'm not sure." I tell her "does Carina think that to?" She asked "I don't know. Honestly I hope it's not. Last time this happened there was more then just early morning runs." I tell them "yea your right." Andy says then I hear my phone go off. It's a text from Andi

Andi: Hey mom Scarlett's acting weird. I think it's happening again.

Maya: What do you mean?

Andi: She's doing the same things as last time. Like blowing up on people for no reason, getting up like she did today.

Maya: Okay I'll talk to mama about it just keep an eye on her for me.

Andi replied with an 'okay love you.' "You okay Maya?" Andy I nod "it's happening again." I say as I look up from my phone.

Carinas POV
I get to the hospital and my phone goes off with a text from maya.

My love: Hey love we need to have a talk with Scarlett tonight Andi text me and said she's acting weird.

Carina: Okay did she say what she was doing?

My love: She said it the same as before. And I know you don't want to think it but I believe it's back again.

Carina: Okay we'll talk to her tonight. Love you see you at home.

Maya replied with an I love you and see you at home. With that my mind went crazy. When the twins where 13 Scarlett started acting out of character she would wake up at odd hours and go on runs with out Maya. She showed a lot of the signs that my father and her Zio Andrea did. If she is on the early side of it then we can catch it early. After a long day at work I went to pick up the girls from school. When me and the girls got home they both went to there rooms and I started dinner. I heard  the girls running down the stairs "give it back!" Yelled Scarlett "I didn't take anything!" Andi yells back as she runs over to me "right go hide behind mama so she can save you." Scarlett said "what's going on?" I asked "she took my note book." Scarlett says "no I didn't." Andi says "okay okay clam down Scarlett are you sure Andi took it?" I asked "yes I'm sure it was in my room now it's not. The only person who has been in my room since this morning was her!" Scarlett yells at that point Maya walked in "hey hey what's with the yelling ?" She asked "Andi took my book and won't give it back!" Scarlett yells again "I didn't take your book scar I swear." Andi says "your a liar!" Scarlett yells at Andi "okay that's enough young lady if she didn't take it she didn't take maybe you miss placed it or something." Maya says " of course take her side." Scarlett said "we aren't taking sides bambina but Andis not lying about this okay." I tell Scarlett "how do you know? She has you both rapped around her little finger." Scarlett says "that's it Scarlett go to your room now!" Maya yells and Scarlett huffs and goes to her room. Me and Maya share a look "mama I didn't take her book." Andi says "I know bambina I know. Go to your room I'll call you for dinner." I tell her and she does as I say  "what do we do now?" Maya asked "we take her to the hospital get her checked and go from there." I tell her and look down "she'll be okay love." Maya Reassures me and I nod. I continue making dinner and about 30 minutes later I call the girls down for dinner and we eat and then get ready for bed me and Maya tell the girls goodnight and then lay down ourselves "goodnight love." Maya says "goodnight bella." I reply then give a little kiss.

A/N: hello loves hope y'all like it this one's a bit longer.
Hope y'all like maya and Carinas pov planning to do more in the next few chapters  let me know what you think

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