19) It happened so fast. (Part 1 of 2)

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⚠️TW: talk of Sexual assault, Alcohol, and Drugs.⚠️

Scarlett's POV
I walked up to the door with the officer. When I seen the look on mom and mamas face I knew I was in trouble but the thing is it wasn't my fault.

*Flashback 1 *
After the meet me Summer Kennedy and Sarah all went to Summers house after about an hour I text mom to see if I could stay the night and she said yes. "So are we going to this party or what?" Kennedy asked "I'm in my parents said it was okay if I stayed." Sarah says "my parents aren't home so we good." Summer said "what about you Scar?" Sarah asked "mom said I could stay the night so I'm in." I tell them.
*end or flashback.*

I was looking at the ground I didn't wanna see the disappointment on mom's face or the look that mama was giving me. "We found her on the street down from this house party with 3 other girls." The officer told them. "Thank you for bringing her here officer.?" Mom said with a question cause she didn't know the officer name "Payne." He said "officer Payne." Mom repeated. I walked inside "stay out of trouble kid." He told me as he turned on his heels and walked back to the car to take Sarah home. We where the last 2 for him to take home. "Bambina what happened to your face?" Mama asked me.

*flashback 2*
Once we got to the party me and Sarah went to get drinks and Summer and Kennedy went to find Kennedy boyfriend. "You okay Scar?" Sarah asked me "yea I just know if my moms find out what I'm doing they'll be mad." I tell her "i don't think they'll know." She tells me "but what if something happened and the cops come or something?" I say "that won't happen." She said as we grab drinks and go to find Summer and Kennedy.
*End of flashback 2*

"Long story." I say in a whisper "Scarlett what happened tonight we thought you where just staying at Summers not going to a party." Mom said "I wish I stayed at Summer's." I say a little louder so they heard me "what do you mean?" Mama asked me "I don't.. wanna talk..about it." I say trying to hold back my tears. "Come sit down so I can look at that lip of yours." Mama tells me and we go to the living room to sit "Scarlett tell us what happened so we can help. Did you get in a fight?" Mom asked as she sat in the chair beside the us "no I didn't get in a fight..." I say "I just want to shower and go do bed." I say "bambina what happened?" Mama asked.

*Flashback 3*
It's been an hour or so since we got to the party Summer is flirting we some senior and Kennedy is making out with her boyfriend. As for me and Sarah we have been talking this whole time like no one else is here. "So you wanna be a firefighter when you get older like your mom." Sarah says "yea I think it would be cool." I say and take another sip of my drink. "Nice." She says "what do you wanna be?" I asked her "I wanna be a teacher." She says "really?" I say "yes I love kids there great." She tells me with a big smile on her face. After a few more drinks I know I had a lot I start feeling it. "Sarah can I tell you something?" I asked she nods "your.. the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." I tell her and she blushes "awe your sweet but also drunk." She says smiling "I'm not drunk but I do need to pee." I slur my words. I get up from where we are sat and up the stairs to the bathroom. (⚠️TW) After I get done in the bathroom I go to walk out and run in to some guy "hey beautiful." He says "hi." I say with a confused look "come with me I wanna show you something." He says "no I'm good I need to get back to my friends." I say and start walk off he grabs my arm. "No you don't they can wait." He says as he pulls me into him and pulls me into a room and shuts the door. "What are you doing?" I asked trying to get past him. "Come on don't you wanna have some fun?" He asked as he pushed me back on to the bed "I've had my fun I want to go home now." I say trying to get my arm from his hand then he holds me against the bed "let have some fun." He said again as he slapped my face. " HELP SOME.." I try to yell but he puts his hand over my mouth. I start kicking and moving as much as I can "stay still." He tells me as he punched me in the face I feel blood run from my lip and my head is pounding. I can't move he on top of me. (You all know what happened next.) I was all alone no one was in the room till I heard the door open "please don't hurt me." I say as I'm sat in the  corner or the room "Scar?" I hear Sarah say "oh my gosh." I hear Summer and Kennedy say "what happened?" Sarah asked as they got closer. " I wanna go home." I them  "okay let's go." Sarah says and helps me up we all walk out the back door. Not long after that Sarah called the cops about the house party but we got pick up by Sarah's dads friend officer Payne.
*end of Flashback 3*

"Mama I really don't want to talk about it." I say by the time all of what I had to drink was out of my system. I was ready to forget what happened and not think about it. "Bambina if you didn't get in a fight something else happened we need to know." Mama said "just tell them what happened Scar." Andi said "I don't wanna talk about it." I raise my voice and pull away from mama and go to my room and slam the door.  I plug my phone up and get clothes to change into after my shower. Before I could go to take my shower I heard a knock on my door. "I don't wanna talk." I say and my moms walked in. "We just wanna know what happened your not acting like yourself. Scarlett we want to know your okay." Mom said and I could hold it no more. I couldn't stop the tears or anything thing I just wanted this night to be over I melted down the wall by my closet. "Oh Bambina." Mama said as she walked over to me and sat beside me. "I want it to stop mama." I cried as she wrapped her arms around me "what to stop?" She asked "a..a..all..the...p..p..pain..." I sobbed into her shoulder. Mom came and sat beside me "what happened?" Mom asked one last time. "I...told..h..him..to...stop.." is all I could say.

A/N: hello loves I sorry this one is a bit more sad then other ones but I hope you like it. Also this is part 1 of 2 the next part will be out later tonight.

What do you think will happen?
Will they find the guy who did it?
How will Scarlett and her family cope with what happened?

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