37) later Christmas day

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Mayas POV
At the hospital we are all sat by Scarlett's bed waiting for her to wake up hoping she'll open her eyes at any moment.  All I could think was me and Carina where just in the other room she was fine all morning. She said she was sleepy but all teenagers are. I didn't think much of it.  How could I not see something like this.

Every few hours a doctor would come check on Scarlett see how she was but yet she hasn't woken up which scares me. It's been a hard year I can't have my kid be hurt anymore this year. "Hey Carina  Hey Maya" doctor Bailey said as she walked in "hey." We said at the same time "when will she wake up?" I asked "I'm not sure. Hopefully with in the next few hours." She tells us "do you know what happened...how this happened she was fine just hours ago." I asked "we can't find anything wrong right now it's just like she was extra tired and just wouldn't wake but we are running test as we speak so we can be sure of what's going on." She tells us I look away from her and look at Andi who hasn't left her sister side not even looked away from her tears in her eyes . She's the one who was there the whole time she was there when it happened but what happened Andi was yet to tell us after yelling for us she shutdown did say a word. All I could wonder is what happened.

Andreas POV
All I could think about was what happened and how it could happen I mean all she was doing was taking a short nap while moms cleaned how could  I let this happen. Im her sister I should have known not to let her sleep.
*flashback to a few hours ago *

Me and Scarlett where sitting on the couch watching a movie. Scarlett's decided to lay on the couch as the movie was playing " you okay scar?" I asked she hadn't been acting like herself today from the moment I woke her up till now she's just seem out of it "yea I'm fine my head just hurts a little." She says "okay." I say and we go back to watching the movie. About halfway through the movie Scarlett's starts shaking like she's cold so I get her a blanket and lay it over her. "Scar you okay?" I asked she didn't answer I guessed she was asleep and happy with the blanket cause she stopped shaking. So I left it for a little while because the movie was almost over and moms would be back to wake her. After the movie finished I looked over to Scarlett and she looked blue like she wasn't breathing I moved closer to her and shook her "scar? Wake up." I say and nothing once again then I felt for her pulse I couldn't get one so I freaked out "moms something wrong with Scarlett!" I yelled
*end of flashback*

"Andi?" I get pulled form my thoughts by mamas voice "hum?" I hummed shaking the thoughts from my head "you okay Bambina?" She asked "yea I'm fine." I say with a sad look on my face knowing good and well she'll me questioning me more after we find out what's wrong with Scarlett. "Okay." She said

It's about 5 pm Christmas day and we have been here since almost 10am they have ran test after test not finding anything wrong but she has yet to wake up. They told us she's be up in a couple hours and it's been 8 hours. 'Come on scar wake up.' I think to myself. "Maybe you and the Bambina should go home. I'll call with updates." Mama said "no I'm not leaving her." I say I'm not doing they can't make me. "Bambina you need to eat." Mama tells me "I'll eat here I'm not leaving Scarlett mama" I tell her. "Okay. Just a little bit longer." She says

After about 30 minutes I feel Scarlett's hand move under mine "scar?" I say as I look at her eyes "mom? Mama?" Scar said "oh Bambina hey." Mama said "hey kiddo." Mom said "what happened?" Scarlett asked mom and mama explain what happened as the doctors still couldn't find what's wrong.

Scarlett's POV
when I opened my eyes I seen I was in a hospital room not sure why but I was Andi was on my right while mom and mama was on my lift "why are we here?" I asked "you stopped breathing." Andi told me I looked at her confused. Last thing I remember was laying on the couch with Andi watching a movie "we where watching a movie what do you mean I stopped breathing?" I asked "you don't  being cold and me covering you up?" She asked me  I shook my head no "no I don't I remember getting really sleepy and then going to sleep." I tell her

Andreas POV
"So you don't remember me asking if you where okay?" I asked her "no I don't ." She tells us " I kinda remember being cold but I didn't get a cover cause I couldn't move so I just laid there." She says "you started shaking and then after I cover you up you where fine. The next thing I know is you where not breathing." I tell her  "I'm sorry I scared you all but I'm okay now right?" She asked "as far as the doctors say yes they couldn't find anything wrong." Mom said "there running a few more test to be sure then we can go home." Mama tells us but what if it happens again what happens if she's sleeping and it happens? I think to myself.

After about another hour or do  doctor Bailey comes in and tells us they can't find anything wrong and that we can go home.

At home we are getting ready for bed mama called out of work for tomorrow to stay home with me and Scarlett to keep an eye on her. After getting ready for bed and laying down I try to go to sleep but I can't.
A few minutes of laying they not being able to sleep I get up and go to Scarlett's room "scar can I stay with you?" I asked as I opened her door "yea you can." She tells me. Not long over laying with Scarlett I slow drift off to sleep.

A/N: hey loves hope you all like this chapter it's gonna be a few days before I get the next chapters out. Let me know what you think. If you have anything you wanna see let me know

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