23) they know (pt.2 of 2)

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(⚠️TW: talk of rape and alcohol)

Scarlett's POV
It was about 30 minutes later when Cody parents got there. Once they did Mr.Gilbert looked at me then Cody trying to figure out why we would both be in here I mean yea we're both on the track team and we have some classes together but we don't hang out with either outside of school the only time we did was at a party and I got raped. Yes I was drinking but I was able to say no and stop I told him to stop I remember that. "So we are all here today because both moms of Miss. Deluca-Bishop has something they need to say." Mr.Gilbert said "what does this have to do with my son?" Mr.Thompson asked "your son was at a party last weekend right?" Mom asked "mom we don't have to do this today." I say "we do bambina." Mama said "so what's that got to do with anything." Mrs.Thompson said "moms please I don't wanna do this." I say Cody just looked at me "you called rape?" He question I look at him so does everyone else "did you?" He asked I looked at mom she was getting heated "answer me you little..." Cody got cut off by Principal Gilbert "I think that's enough Mr.Thompson." He said and Cody just rolled his eyes "now if this is about a party and these two doing something we need the parents first then we can talk to the kids." He said "they can wait in the next room." He told our parents "my daughter will not be in a room alone with this kid." Mom said "I don't trust him so my daughter can stay with me." Mom continues. I go to sit with mama this is all to much for me why did we have to do this my first day back why couldn't we wait. "Okay then kids don't say anything let us talk first then if you have something to add at the end then you can." Mr.Gilbert said we both nodded in agreement.

Andreas POV
I'm in class waiting for the bell to ring ready for lunch. I'm ready to see how Scarlett's doing. The bell rings I get up and grab my stuff walking with Kristin to the lunch room. I see Summer and Sarah but no Scarlett. I know moms had that meeting but they should have been done by now or told me she went home or something. I walk over to them "hey how was Scarlett?" I asked "Principal Gilbert called her to his office before first period ended." Sarah tells me "she wasn't in any other classes?" I asked her and Summer both shook her hands "wait Cody was in the office this morning he would have..." Sarah cut me off "yea but I got Mrs.James to let me go with them."she tells me "thank you Sarah." I say "i would do anything for her Andi." She tells me we all go sit together and start eating. One thing about Sarah she's awesome she's so nice and would do anything if it meant my sister was okay. Since Scarlett has been out of school me and Sarah have hung out a lot. She would bring me homework for Scarlett to do so she wouldn't be behind in classes. She great honestly and I can tell she loves Scarlett.

Scarlett's POV
The bell just rang for lunch. We have been here for like 4 hours going back and forth about if he raped me or not and honestly I'm done. I just want to crawl in to a hole and die at this point. Now it's Cody and I turn to talk "Mr.Thompson what do you have to say?" Principal Gilbert asked "yea I didn't rape her I wouldn't do that. She wanted it." He said "that's not true." I say "miss.Deluca-Bishop you can say your part next." Principal Gilbert said i huff and roll my eyes "anyway sir I wouldn't do that I have to much on the line to do something like that." Cody said but the thing he didn't know is I did a rape kit and still had a black eye so I mean I know I didn't get into a fight last week. "He's laying principal Gilbert...i... I remember him doing it....I still have nightmares sir." I say "okay look without evidence I can't do anything unless the cops know." Principal Gilbert said "they do know." I said everyone looked at me "what you wanted to have this meeting moms."
I say "is that true?" Principal Gilbert asked moms nodded yes "Mr. and Mrs. Thompson I think it's best you go home and take your son with you. Mrs. Deluca-Bishops I also think it's best you go home Scarlett you can stay since you where out all week last week." Principal Gilbert said and the Thompson family left first "Mrs.Deluca-Bishops if I was you I'd call the cops make sure they take him in. Because I can't do anything from him I can change his classes but that's all. I'm sorry that this happened to you and I will do my best to make sure he doesn't have to be around your daughters." He tells us we all get up and walk out of the room. "You staying or do you want to go home?" Mom asked me "I want to stay I need to be here." I say even though it wasn't completely the truth I knew I needed to be here they hugged me and told me goodbye and I went to the lunch room to find my sister and friends. I walk in and see them but then I see everyone's eyes on me. No I don't like this Sarah makes eye contact with me and she gets up and walks up to me "hey your okay your with me." She says as she grabs my hand. We walk to the table. "Where's Andrew and Kennedy?" I asked "Andrew is sick and we haven't heard anything from Kennedy." Summer tells me "oh okay." I say and sit beside Sarah. After lunch we all walked to class together Sarah hasn't let go of my hand since we left lunch which I wasn't complaining about but it was a little weird but also calmed my nerves. We sit down in class I see Kelly walk in. I really want to hit her for telling people about what happened but how did she even know. "Hi Scarlett how's the eye?" She questioned "it's fine." I say I feel my hand start to ball into a fist then I feel someone's hand on my hand and I calm down "that's good hope everything else is okay I mean giving what happened." She said getting close to my ear and whispering "I wouldn't want everyone else to know what happened right." She says "that's enough Kelly leave her alone." Sarah says " awe your little girlfriend got to stick up for you" she said "shut up Kelly." I said trying to stay calm "okay everyone take your seats." The teacher said. Kelly went to sit down. "Okay everyone turn to page 350." Mr.carter said

After class me and Sarah met up with Andi, Kristin, and Summer. "Are we really doing practice today?" Summer asked "yes because the boys did last week." Sarah said "okay I'll see you at home Scar." Andi said and I gave her a hug and said okay. Me, Sarah and Summer all walked to the field and  met by the coach "hey girls you all ready?" She asked we all said yes. This is what I needed;I needed to run. I needed to get out of my head. After practice me and Sarah was sitting waiting for my mom she was going to take Sarah home tonight. "So how was your first day back?" She asked me "it sucks." I said with a little laugh "all day sucked ?" She questioned "no not all day." I say "what part didn't suck?" She asked "will I got to see you." I say and put my hand on hers. She smiles " aren't you sweet." She says with a smile. "I try. But I'm serious you made my day a whole lot better I mean I don't think I would have stayed if your wasn't here." I say " really?" She said  locking eyes with me "yea really." I say interlocking our fingers. She looks at my lips them back to my eyes. We both lean in a little not to far and our lips meet. She puts her free hand on my cheek and pulls me closer to deepen the kiss. We pull apart after a few minutes "wow." I say "what?" She asked "you." I say "me what?" She asked "will you be my girlfriend?" I asked "I know that you wanted to ask but I can't wait on you to asked me. So." I say she smiles " yes." She says and kisses me again. Not long after that mom came and got us. We took Sarah home and went home ourselves. When we got home mama and Andi had dinner ready and the table sat. So we all sat down together and ate. I ate as much as I could. After that we all went to bed.

A/N: hello loves I tried to end on a happy note. The next 2 chapters will probably be in 2 parts as well. They will also be long.

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