12) Am I Gay? (Part 1 of 2)

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A/N: this one will be more of Scarlett then anyone else. Hope you all like.

Scarlett's POV
It's been a few days since I asked mom how she knew she liked girl. I think I don't but I'm not sure yet if that makes since. It's Wednesday and I'm at lunch with Summer, Andrew, and Kennedy. Andrew and Kennedy are talking to themselves about who knows what. I looked away from them and see Sarah walking up to the table wow she looks amazing today. She's wearing a nice sundress and has her hair down it falls over her shoulder perfectly. "Hey guys how are you all?" She says and they answer with 'we're good.' "Scar?" Sarah say and I shake my head "Huh...oh..yea..I'm good. How are you?" I says in a stuttering mess mentally tell myself off " great ." She says with a smile wow her smile is everything I think and smile "so I heard about the fire at your house is everyone okay?" Summer asked her "yea every things okay thanks you Scarlett and her moms team." Sarah tells her "I..I didn't do..anything.." I say "yes you did you stayed with me till my parents go to the hospital." She says "oh um yea.." i say dang it why am I so nervous around her. After lunch we went to class and me and Sarah walked together "you okay scar?" She asked "yea why?" I say "you just seem zoned out at lunch and you haven't talked the whole way to class." She says "oh just a lot on my mind sorry." I tell her we get into class and sit down. Not long after we get sat Kelly walks in "Scarlett friend how you been?" She asked "where not friends Kelly what do you want?" I ask "you know you should really be nice to me. I can have you kick out in a heartbeat." Kelly says " and I want you to move that's my sit now." She tells me "I don't have your name on it Kelly." I tell her " Sarah's my friend Scarlett and I want to sit with my friend." She tells me "when did we become friends?" Sarah asked "the other day remember?" Kelly asked "no honestly." Sarah says I laugh a little. "I guess I'm not moving Kelly." I say with a smile she huffs and walks off to "okay class today we are going to start our new book 'A wrinkle in time'" Mrs. Beasley tells us and we start reading. At the end of class "remember your book report is due next Friday and your project is due Next Tuesday have a great day everyone." Mrs.Beasley tells us as we pack up "hey Scar could we work on the project together this weekend?" Sarah asked "yea I'll have to ask my moms but I'm sure it will be cool." I say "okay great." She says and I get up and grab my bag "hey Scar what are you doing after school?" Sarah ask me "um I don't know I know I'm supposed to walk home cause moms can't pick me up why?" I say "I was wondering if you maybe wanted to hang out? We could start on the project for English and I could help you with Math homework." She says "yea let me ask moms and I'll let you know." I tell her and she nods I go to my next class which is P.E. and text my mom.
Scarlett: hey mom is it okay if Sarah comes over tonight to do homework?

Mom: that's fine with me she just can't stay late.

I send her an okay and then text Sarah telling her mom said it was fine.
After school I met up with Andi and Sarah "hey I'm going to walk to the hospital mama said I could." Andi says "okay me and Sarah are going home. Have fun at the hospital and be careful." I tell her she nods and me and Sarah start on our way home. After about a 20 minute walk home me and Sarah go up to my room and put out bags down. "Do you want a drink or something?" I asked her "no I'm good thanks." She says "okay I'll be back I'm gonna grab me a water." I say and go to the kitchen and get a water when I get back I see Sarah looking and pictures I have hanging up of me and Andi also ones of me and moms. A few of me Summer Andrew and Kennedy. "That one's of me when I first sat in the truck at the station I was so happy to be there and have moms captain hat on." I tell her. She turns around kinda surprised "sorry I didn't mean to scare you." I say "it's okay your cute when you smile." She says turning back to another picture. I bush a little thank goodness she can't see it "thank you." I say "I mean your cute anytime but your smile brighten a room." She says "thank you." I say "who's this?" She asked pointing at a picture of me and Zio Andrew at my first track when I was 8 I mean it wasn't really track for school but it was a race and I won first place and he said he was so proud of me. "That's my Zio." I tell her "what's a Zio?" She asked "it's Italian for uncle." I tell her "oh I didn't know you where part Italian." She said "yea my mama is that's her brother." I say "you both look close. do you see him a lot?" She asked "we where but he passed when I was 9." I tell her trying to stay clam. "Oh I'm sorry." She says "it's okay I know he watches over me." I tell her "so should we start this homework?" I asked and she nods so we sit on the floor infront of my bed and start working. Every now and then I catch her looking at me and one time we made eye contact "Scarlett I have a question" she says "okay what's up?" I say "do you have a crush on  anyone?" She asked "I know it's weird but..." I cut her off "it's not weird.." I say "and yea I think I do." I tell her "really?" She says I nod "why do you ask?" I says "will I have a crush on this one person but I'm not sure if they like girl." She says "oh really who?" I asked "will she has a beautiful smile and she's super good at running. She as these eyes that sparkle in the sunshine." She says "me and this girl have almost every class together." She says. Is she talking about me? Am I the one she has a crush on? " her hair is a dark blonde and she helped me the other day when my house was on fire." She says oh my gosh she is talking about me "why don't you ask her and she how she feels." I say "or maybe I'll do this." She says and leans in and kisses me I freeze for a little bit and then kiss back..

A/N: hope you loves liked it the next part will continue this for a little bit. This is part 1 of 2 parts.

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