56) Time to be okay for her

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Scarlett's POV

Today is different. I woke up like normal but seeing Sarah just laying in bed not wanting to get up. I had to be okay for her so that's what I did. If i wasn't okay how was I supposed to help her be okay. Today was the day we were going to see her mom at the hospital. I just need her mom to be okay.

After about an hour I moved my way out from under Sarah and made my way downstairs. "Goodmorning Scar." Andi says "morning." I say as I sit down at the table. "You okay?" She asked me "yea I'm good." I tell her not wanting anyone to know because Sarah needs people to be there if something happens.

About 30 minutes later Sarah walks downstairs and sits with me at the table and lays her head on my shoulder. "Goodmorning, you okay?" I ask her. She just nods as mom walks in from a run and mama comes downstairs from a shower.
" okay girls today we are going to the hospital so we can see Sarah's mom then after twin i will take you both to school. Sarah can go to school if you want or stay with car at the hospital." Mom said we all nodded.

We made our way to the hospital and Sarah had been holding my hand the whole time. We made it to the hospital and mama asked one of the attending where we would be able to find Sarah's mom. She told us that her mom was in the ICU that only one person could be in there at a time if they were under age then a parent has to go with us but mama already knew that. "Okay so who is going?" Mom asked " you have to get to work you wanna take the twin to school." Mama said " can scar stay please." I hear Sarah ask just above a whisper.   Mama looked at mom and then me I was waiting on there answer. " Bella she won't be able to go in with you to see your mom." Mama said "but they said there could be 2 people if it the person was under age I'm under age." Sarah said do mama "I know but Bella Scarlett is under age to y'all both can't go in it would be me and you." Mama told her "but I can't do it without her please." Sarah said. Moms looked at each other. "Okay she can stay but scar go to school right after understand." Mom said and I nodded 

After mom and Andi left me mama and Sarah all went to the ICU part of the hospital where Aunt Amelia was doing charts. "Carina hey I didn't think you worked today." She said to mama "I don't I brought Sarah to see her mom." Mama said " what's her name? I'll tell you what room."  She asked mama " Anna Riley." Mama
Said "oh this way." She looked sad the look of this is gonna be a long recovery if she makes it. We all follow aunt Amelia. "This is her now Carina you know hospital policy you and one of the kiddos." She said Sarah just gripped my hand and arm tighter. " come on Aunt Amelia please just this once break the rule." I say with begging eyes not wanting to leave Sarah knowing not only is she not gonna be going to school with me after but I can't just leave her here by herself I know mama would stay with her but I think it more of me not being with her if she needs me. "I'm sorry kiddo I can't do that." She tells me " why not?" I asked "if I do that for you what happens when other people ask if they can have more." She said to me I just looked down. Mama and Amelia walked to the desk " look Sarah I'll be right out here if you need me baby just come get me okay." I tell her she nods her and mama go in to the room.

About 10 minutes into them being in the room aunt Amelia says "you okay scar." "Yea I am just thinking." I tell her honestly "what you thinking of?" She asked "Sarah and what's gonna happen if her mom don't make it? She can't leave not get." I say then ramble some more " what if she can't stay here anymore because her dad's job. I think I'm falling in love with her." I say just watching her and my mama. "She's helped me through a lot I don't want her to leave and find someone else or someone better than me." I tell her what if I'm right what if she doesn't love me? What if her mom passed was she'll have to go to her dads.

I'm not ready for that I look at her as she held her mom's hand "she'll be okay kiddo." Amelia said "Sarah's mom will be?" I asked "both of them will be kiddo." She tells me.
I just nod. " aunt Amelia what do I do if she's not okay?" I ask " kiddo I can't tell you what to do but I can tell you whatever happens just be with her okay stay by her." She tells me. Mama looks at me with a sad look i just have to be okay for her. I love her that's why I have to be okay.

A/N: sorry it's been a long time since I updated I hope you enjoy

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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