46) Getting help(part 2 of 2)

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Scarlett's POV
Me: I love you to I'll see you this weekend
Sarah: I love you to  and I'll see you.
Me: I love you more.
As Sarah was about to say something I heard mama yell "SCARLETT COME
ON WE GOT TO GO HURRY!" I heard "I got to go I'll call you later love you bye." I hung up with out waiting for a response. I got out of bed and ran downstairs "what's wrong?" I asked when I got to her "we got to go to the hospital." She tells me grabbing her keys as she walks out the door I throw on my shoes and run after her "what why!?" I say "Bambina I'm not sure mom said to get there fast." She tells me as we get in the car. "But mama Andi is fine they where coming home." I tell her "si bambina but now something must have happened." She tells me.

At the hospital mama barely got the car stopped before get out "mama?" I said and I pulled the emergency brake and got out the car following after her. "Mama slow down." I said. When we got to where mom was there was a few doctors and nurses there with mom. "Bella what happened." Mama asked "my love sit down." Mom said and mama did as she said " love I walked out of the room to fill out the paperwork for me to take her home something happened when I walked out. She was perfectly fine before." Mom rambled "Bella slow down. Is she okay now or what? Where is she?" Mama said "Carina the head injury was worse then we thought. I missed something..." I heard doctor Amelia say that was the last thing I heard.

Carinas POV
"What do you mean you missed something Amelia you never miss anything." I said "Carina I know but it was hidden behind the blood from the bleed. She's in the recovery room right now okay I'm going to keep a close watch on her. I would let anything happen again." She tells me "so what happened?" I asked her "she had a lot of pressure on her right side and it caused her to have a seizure which led us in to having to do a craniectomy but once the swelling goes down she will be okay." She tells me "how did you miss it?" I asked "I was positive that it was just a small bleed that would be okay in a few days the bleeding had stopped when last night and this morning during rounds she was okay. I'm so sorry Carina." She say "can we see her?" Maya asked Amelia nodded her head and showed us to her room. As we started walking I noticed that Scarlett wasn't with us "Bella where's Scarlett?" I asked Maya "I'm not sure I'll go find her you go see Andrea." She tells me and goes to find Scarlett.

Mayas POV
I walk back to were we where to see if Scarlett was there. She wasn't there. I checked Carinas office no sign of her there then I made my way to the cars and she wasn't at either one of our cars. I tried to call her but she sent me straight to voicemail. I made my way to Andreas room "Bella did you find her?" Carina asked a soon as she saw me. I shook my head no. "Where could she be she couldn't have gone far." She said "imma call Andy to see if she went to the station." I told her and stepped out to call Andy
Start of call
Andy: Hey maya how's Andrea?
Me: long story by any chance has Scarlett showed up at the station ?
Andy: no I haven't seen her why.
Me: will you keep a look out please.
Andy: yea of course bye
Me: bye
End of call
I walk  back in the room and see one of my baby girls laying on a hospital bed she looks so small in that big bed. But all I could think about was where is Scarlett?

Scarlett's POV
All I can hear in my mind is Amelia saying she missed something. What could she have missed? Andy was fine she was going to come home. We where going to stay in her room together for a while till she was at 100% now we can't do that because she's back to square one. As I walk down the street I hear my go off. I look at the caller ID and it's mom but I don't answer I know I can't go back to the hospital today I can't go home I need time and space. I made my way to the park as I got there I got a text from Sarah saying to come to her house. So I made my way there. I got the door and knocked. "Hey Scar." Sarah said as she opened the door "hi." I say she moves to the side and I walk in "you okay you look down?" She asked "I'm okay but Andi had to go back into surgery."  I tell her "I'm sorry scar. Mom we'll be in my room." She tells her mom. We make our way upstairs to
Her room I walk into her room and sit down on the bed she sits beside me "I shouldn't have come here I should've stayed at the hospital. Moms will be worried." I say starting to stand up "I'll text them letting them know your here." Sarah says grabbing my arm pulling back onto the bed. "But what if something bad happens and I don't get to see her again."I asked "scar just take a few breaths okay clam down. Let me
Text your mom so they know your okay." She says and goes to send the message and sits back beside me and wraps her arms around me " I missed you." She says quietly in my ear it sent shivers down my spine. "I missed you to." I tell her "when do you come back to school?" She asked "next week." I tell her we faced each other "I really did miss you. I feel like we haven't seen each other in weeks." She tells me  I kissed her cheek "I know I'm sorry I've been distant and staying to myself ." I tell her "it's okay I just like to see you more." She says "you will as soon as I get back to school I'm gonna do better no more getting in trouble." I tell her "no more getting hurt either okay." She says "yea." I say with a smile she leans in a kissed me and I kissed back.

Carinas POV
I got a message from Sarah saying that Scarlett was at her house and was okay I told maya "I'm going to reschedule her appointment for another day." I told maya she nodded.

A/N: hey y'all I hope y'all like it sorry it took so long  to get it out.

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