53) she'll be fine

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Mayas POV
It's been two weeks since scarlet had her brake down and she has been out of her room more and talking to me and Carina she hasn't really talked to Andi but we aren't really worried about that cause she's talking to us. "Hey mom." I hear Andi say coming into the kitchen "hey sweetie." I say "is Scarlett coming to school today it's the last day before summer she needs to come." She says "I don't know sweetie she's still working through some stuff." I tell her "but mom it's the last day of freshman year she needs to be there." She says as I sigh "look Andi I'm not pushing her to go to school." I tell her " fine but why do I have to go if Scarlett not?" She asked me and before I had the chance to respond "what am I not doing ?" I heard Scarlett ask "going to school mom said she's not pushing you to go." Andi told her "I plan to go unless mom thinks I need to stay here." Scarlett says I just smile "kiddo if you wanna go to school go I'm not gonna keep you home." I tell her and she nods and goes to grab stuff to make a shake for the way to school.  I smile at the thought of her going to school today. Not long after Scarlett came down Carina came into the kitchen "good morning my loves."

Scarlett's POV
Mama walked into the kitchen saying good morning as she did she hugged me "good morning Mama." I said as I hugged her back "what you getting ready for Bambina?"mama asked me "school I thought I would go today." I said "I'm proud of you Bambina." She said hugging me again. I get done making my shake "hey mom" I say "yea scar?" Mom says " tomorrow morning can we go for a run?" I asked "yea of course kiddo." Mom says "okay cool love you bye." I said to mom as I hugged her and then did the same to mama and followed Andi out of the house.

Mayas POV
"She's going to school" I said  "yea." Carina said "what if she has another episode?" I asked starting to question if we should have let her go "Bella she'll be fine all her classes are either with Andi or Sarah and they both can text or call us if anything happens and you know they will." She tells me  "your right I just feel like it's to soon." I say "she'll be fine Bella I promise." She say's kissing my forehead.

Scarlett's POV
Maybe this was a mistake! Maybe I should've stayed home! This is such a bad idea! I thought to myself "hey scar." I hear summer and Sarah say as they walk up to me "hey." I said back "how you been ain't seen you in a while." Summer said "yea sorry just been busy." I said " you okay tho?" Summer asked "yea totally." I tell her we start walking to class it's going okay so far nothing bad so far.

Half way through the day I'm in math with Sarah and Andi "so how's the day been scar?" Andi asked me I just nodded at her I've been trying to talk to her more than I have but sometimes I can find the right words. She nodded back I feel bad because I haven't really talked to her but what am I supposed todo.

After school Sarah, me, Summer and Andi all meet in the car line cause mom was picking us up being the last day of the school year for the summer it wasn't to bad we all signed each other's year books and by the time mom got there Summer had already left "Sarah you need a ride home?" Mom asked "yes please mom just text me asking if y'all could take me because her work called her." Sarah said "do you need to come to our house for a little while till she's home?" Mom asked "I can ask mom but dad should be home."  She said. After asking her mom said it would be best for her to come to our house just till she got off.

Once we got home me and Sarah went to my room. "So.." Sarah said as we sat on my bed "so.." I said back "you went to school the last day how was it?" She asked "you where there what do you mean?" I asked "yea but I mean in that beautiful mind of yours." She said moving closer to me "it was okay I guess I got nervous this morning before you and summer came over and where talking to me but other then that it was a good day." I tell her we lay on my bed for a while and then get called for dinner.

After dinner me and Sarah go back to my room and chill talking and stuff when mom comes in "hey Sarah your mom called and asked if you could stay the night with us I said it was fine do you need to go get anything from your house before y'all go to sleep?" Mom asked Sarah said no and once mom left she text her mom asking what happened and why she had to stay here. "Is everything okay?" I asked "I don't know but mom would normally tell me to ask she wouldn't just call your moms." She said I nodded in agreement and wrapped my arms around her pulling her close " don't worry I'm sure it's just a late shift and everything will be alright by the morning." I said as I kissed her cheek. "Your right. Do you have something I could borrow for tonight?" She asked I got up and grabbed her some clothes alone with me some and we both got changed and got ready for bed. Once we laid down she laid her head on my chest "good night love." I said "good night sweetheart." She said and we both drifted off to sleep.

A/N: what do y'all think happened with Sarah's mom and how do y'all feel about her and Scarlett? Lmk what y'all think.

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