22) They know (pt.1 or 2)

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(Time jump to the next week)

Scarlett's POV
It's been a week and I'm supposed to go back to school today moms said they are going with us to talk to the school and the officer at the school. I don't want to go. I just want to stay home. I hear a knock on my door "come in." I say "hey Scar moms want us downstairs for breakfast before going to school." Andi tells me "I'm not hungry." I tell her "you need to eat scar." She says "I know I just not really hungry right now I guess it's nerves I guess." I say "okay come down when your ready okay." She says and leaves. After I get ready and go downstairs "good morning bambina." Mama says "morning mama." I say and grab a water from the fridge "here's your lunch Scar and get something before we leave." Mom says "thank you and I'm not hungry right now." I tell her "okay I'm not gonna force you but you need to eat at school okay." She tells me "okay."

We all get to school "bye moms love you." Andi says and gets her stuff and gets out the car. "Bye Andi love you to." Moms say at the same time. "Bella you ready?" Mama asked "not really but I got to go back at some point right." I say and get my stuff and get out "okay let's go." Mom says "do you both have to walk me in?" I asked "that was the plan Scar." Mom says "but everyone will be looking at us and know something up can't you both come back later or something." I say "bambina are you sure you want to go in alone?" Mama asked and I nodded yes "okay you can and we'll wait for a few minutes till we come in." She tells me "okay thank you." I say and hug them both "I love you." I say and they say it back. I get inside and look for Sarah and Summer. As soon as I make eye contact with Sarah she runs over to me and hugs me and I hug her back "Omg your here." She says with a smile "yea I thought it was time to come back." I say smiling "hey girl." Summer says "so how do you feel?" Summer asked "okay I guess I'm a little nervous tho." I tell them "you got us so your gonna be okay." Sarah tells me and Summer agrees "where's Kennedy?" I asked "she's been back at her moms house so not sure where she is." Summer tells me "oh." I say "let go to class before we're late." I say and we head off to class. On the way to class all I could think about was how was the meeting with Principal Gilbert was going to go. He doesn't like me and who ever did this to me he probably liked a whole lot more then me. I kinda want to know but also I don't want to know who it was. As we get to class we all sit and the teacher starts the lesson.

Mayas POV
Me and Carina are still at the car and hear the bell ring for classes to start. "Should we go in now?" I asked "yea she should be getting to class by the time we get in there she and her class mates won't see us." Carina says. We get out of the car and walk to the school. When we get into the school there are a few students still making there way to class. We get to the office "we need to speak with principal Gilbert." I say "he'll be right with you." The lady at the front desk said.
We get to his office and sit down. "What can I help you with Mrs.Deluca-Bishop?" He asked "we here to talk about one of your students sir." I say trying to stay clam. "Okay which student would that be?" He asked "First our daughter Scarlett then another one but we would like his parents to be here as well." Carina tells him. "Okay do you want me to call your daughter in here or no?" He asked I look at Carina "yes sir please." I say "okay I will." He says he gets up and walks to his door. "Mr.Thompson can go to Mrs.James room and get Scarlett Deluca-Bishop please." He asked a young boy "yes sir." The boy said. "What was the boys last name?" I whispered to Carina "Thompson why." She says "I think he's going to get her out of class." I say her eyes widen.

Scarlett's POV
As Mrs.James is teaching there's a knock on the door and she opens the door I look to the hallway. That's him; he's the one who did it to me. It all hit me I remember his face a lot better now and also his eyes. "Miss.Deluca-Bishop the principal needs to see you." Mrs.James told me I look at Sarah and she looks at me "you okay?"
She asked "come with me please." I ask her "okay." She says and got her stuff  "Mrs.James if it's okay I would like to walk with them Scarlett." Sarah says "someone's already walking with her why does she need you?" Kelly asked "stay out of it Kelly." Summer said "yes that is fine Sarah." Mrs.James said and me Sarah and  Cody all walked down the hall. Sarah was between me and Cody.  "So why does Principal need to see you Scar?" Cody asked I didn't say a word back I stayed quiet. "I mean I seen your moms come in but I didn't think they would need you to talk to the principal also." He says "can we just walk in silence please?" Asked Sarah "why I just would like to know about my friend and if she's okay." He said "we're not friends." I say "that's not what you said the other night." He said. Me and Sarah started walking faster. As soon as we got to the off me and Sarah both walked into Principal Gilbert's off. "Miss.Campbell what are you doing here?" Mr.Gilbert asked "I didn't feel comfortable walking with Cody so Mrs.James let Sarah come with me." I tell him "okay Miss.Campbell you can go back to class." He says and Sarah hugs me and leaves "take a seat Scarlett." He says I look at moms "i think it's time you call Mr.Thompson parents." Mom said.

A/N: hey loves this is gonna be a 2 part thing again.

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