47) The day everything changed.

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Scarlett's POV
I ended up staying at Sarah's house last night. I woke up and rolled over to see Sarah wasn't there I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. "Good morning beautiful." I heard Sarah say "good morning." I say with a smile "how'd you sleep?" She asked "good I guess." I tell her sitting up on her bed leaning against the headboard; she came and sat beside me "what's on your mind?" She asked "Andi is everything was okay and then it changed. She was find, she was gonna come home, she was gonna go back to school. But now something has happened and she is still in the hospital." I tell her. "My biggest fear is to lose her or one of our moms she a part of me I can't lose" I continue "hey scar it will be okay she's gonna get better she'll be home soon and your not gonna lose her." She tells me "you don't know that. What if this is it." I say looking at her "I know she's a fighter and she'll fight like hell to stay for you and your moms." She told me "I guess your right." I said "I should get to the hospital moms are probably worried." I say " yea you should and I message them last night they know you where here." She said

After getting ready Sarah's mom took us to the hospital I said thank you and my goodbyes then walked into the hospital. Texting mom to see where they were. When I got to the room I hesitated to walk in. I put my hand on the door handle and opened the door "Bella hey." I heard mama say "hi." I say as I walked into the room. I saw Andi laying on the bed with moms by her right side. "Is she going to be okay?" I asked as I sat in the chair on the lift of the bed. "She'll be okay Scar she's just had a small set back." Mom told me I nodded. "I want her to come home." I told her "I know me to kiddo me to."  Mom said

*A week later *

Andi was back home and recovering. I went back to school on Monday which sucked if I'm honest. It was the in of the day and I was waiting on mom to come pick me up when I got a text asking if I can just walk to the station cause she got pulled into a meeting. "Hey you" Sarah says walking up behind me and putting her arms around my waist "hey." I said turning to face her  she kissed me "what you doing?" She asked me "I'm about to walk to the station mom got pulled into a meeting and mama can't pick me up cause of Andi so." I tell her "I'll walk with you it's on the way to my house anyway and I have to walk to so." She said I nodded "sounds good." I said with a smile as we started walking towards the station. When we made it to the station standing at the entrance "I'll see you tomorrow?" She asked "yea I'll see you tomorrow." I said "I love you." She said and kissed me "I love you to." I said after the kiss. As a he walked off "Sarah be careful okay." I tell her "I will scar." She said and waved goodbye. I walked into the station "hey kiddo." Vic said "hey Vic is mom still in her meeting?" I asked and she nodded "so the girlfriend walked you over from school?" Vic asked with a smile "yea.." I said as I felt my face warm up "awe your blushing." She said "shut it." I smiled  I made my way to the beanery to do my homework "hey Mini maya" Tia Andy said "hey Tia." I said "what you working on?" She asked " chemistry." I tell her "fun." She said with a hint of sarcasm "I know so much." I laughed "I'll leave you to it." She said  I nodded  after that not a lot of the team came to say hey I guessed Tia told them i was doing homework. About an hour later mom comes in "hey kiddo you ready?" She asked I nodded got my stuff together and said my goodbyes. We went home.

*at home*
We walk inside "hey Bella's." Mama says as we walk though the door "how was school Bambina?" She asked me "it was okay I guess." I told her "don't forget Bella I'm picking you up early tomorrow for your appointment." Mama told me "what appointment?" I asked last week I had appointment and they made me talk to someone. The other day I went back to go speak with a therapist which didn't make sense to me but I did it. But now I have another appointment. "You have therapy then one with doctor Hayes." She told me "why do I have to do this therapy thing I'm fine." I tell her "we just want you to have a place you can go to and talk about things if you don't feel you can talk to us." Mom told me "it's stupid." I said "you have only been 3 times Bella it with get better." She told me I nodded and walked to my room and got changed. "Dinner." Mama yelled I made my way downstairs and sat at the table "Scarlett Bella eat." Mama said "I'm not hungry." I told her "just a little." She said "I had a snack at the station can I just go to my room please." I asked mom and mama looked at each other then mama nodded "yea kiddo go ahead." Mom said so I got up and went to my room.

A/N: hey loves hope you like it sorry it's been a while since I updated. Let me know what you think

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