48) therapy

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Scarlett's POV
First day of therapy moms want me to talk about my feelings and what I don't tell them but how am I supposed to do that if I don't want to even talk to them about it. After getting up and ready I walk downstairs to see mama "hey mama where's mom?" I asked "she's at work she'll be home in a few hours" she tells me I nodded "hey mama hey scar." Andy says as she comes downstairs with her crutches "hey." We both said in unison "how you feeling Bambina?" Mama asked. "I'm okay I guess my leg hurts a little but I'm okay." She said "okay so mom will be home in a few hours to take you to your  appointment so be ready when she gets here okay Bella." She told me I nodded and sat in the living room watching tv.

2 hours had went by and I was getting up to go get ready for my appointment when I heard mama from the kitchen "Scarlett coke here!" She yelled "yea?" I asked walking into the kitchen "your mom will be here in a few minutes you going to get ready?" She asked  "yea I was on my way when you called me." I said she nodded and I went to my room to get ready. I wasn't in no way ready to go to this appointment but I knew that if I didn't go moms would make it where I had to go. As I was getting ready I heard a knock on my door "come in." I said "hey can we talk?" Andi asked "yea but you got to hurry mom is on the way." I tell her "okay so I'm.." she started "come on Andi I don't got time ." I said trying to hurry her up. "I heard what you did when I was in the hospital." She said "yea I think everyone has heard by now." I said "what about it?" I asked "why did you do it?" She asked "because they where talking about you and I couldn't handle it okay.." I said being cut off  by mama "SCARLETT TIME TO GO!" She yelled " I got to go we can talk later." I said and walked passed her downstairs to moms car "you ready?" Mom asked as I got in "ready as I can be."

The drive was quite no words where said until we got to the hospital. "Why are we at the hospital?" I asked "mama said the therapist was in the hospital." She told me I just nodded my head and got out of the car. We walked in; mom checked us in then we sat and waited to be called. About 10 or so minutes we got called back "hey I'm Doctor Johnson." The woman said "hi." I said "hey I'm Maya Deluca-Bishop this is my daughter Scarlett." Mom said "hey Scarlett you ready?" Mrs. Johnson asked  I just nodded "I'll be here when your done." Mom said

When we got to the room it looked like a kids room on the peds floor but with different fidget toys and some books to color in;she also had a chair and couch. "Take a seat." She said I did what she said and sat down "so today will be easy we will just get to know each other and then next week we'll go a little further." She explained I nodded "so what are something's you like to do?" She asked "I um like to play video games, run or do any other sport. Um idk." I said kinda feeling weird. "Okay so your a runner?" She asked I nodded "what do you like about running?" She then asked "I like how free it makes me feel." I tell her "why do you think it makes you feel free?" She asked "will because when I run I don't worry about anything it's just me." I tell her i don't know why I was telling her this I haven't ever explained running like this to anyone not even mom and she's asked me a lot. "Do you worry a lot?" She asked i just nodded "why do you worry?" She then asked "because my sister and moms." I said looking at my hands playing with my rubber band"why do you worry about them?" She asked "because my mom is a fire fighter and my mama is a Doctor moms job could one day hurt her." I said "but your mamas job isn't to dangerous her being a doctor right" she said "yea I guess but there could be a shooting or something bad happen." I said as I continued to pop the rubber band on my arm I looked up to see her Writhing something down "what about your sister why worry about her?" She asked me "because she gets picked on at school and then she just got hit by a car a little while ago.  I can't lose her or my moms ." I said still not understanding why I was telling her any of this.

At the end of the session she told mom that she would like me to come back again this week. Mom said okay set up a day and we went home. As soon as I got home I went up to my room and shut my door then laid down in bed just to rest.

A/N: hey lovely people sorry it took a while to update been busy with life. Also been struggling a little. I hope you like it and I plan to have another chapter out in a few days or so.

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