50) what if i cant get her to talk?

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Maya's POV
I get off early from work and make my way home. I pull up to the house to see Carina car still here knowing she had to work today I didn't understand why she was home it was only lunch time so her and the girls shouldn't be here. I got out of the car and walked into the house "Carina? I'm home." I say as I walk in I see breakfast still on the counter and Scarlett's untouched plate. "Carina? Scarlett?" I say looking around to see if anything was out of place it didn't look like anyone had broke in but it was quite. I knew Carina was supposed to be getting Scarlett to school after Andi but for her to still be home it worried me she would normally call or text me about keeping one of the girls home.

Andreas POV
As I sat in my last class before lunch I couldn't stop thinking that Scarlett had yet to show and Mama hadn't text me letting me know she wouldn't be here. I should I saw it the way she's been the past few days she's been distant with me and mama. Sarah just told me she was short with text. I hate myself for not seeing it this time. Normally it only last for a couple days so maybe she'll be okay.

Mayas POV
I walked upstairs "Carina? Scarlett?" I called out "in here Bella." I heard Carina say from Scarlett's room. When I walked in I saw how the room looked there where papers and stuff everywhere. "What happened?" I asked as Carina got off Scarlett's bed "shh she's just went to sleep. It's happening again Bella come on I'll tell you what happened." She tells me as we walk out of the room. "Is she okay why is it happening?" I asked "slow down Bella I'm not sure I know that when I got to her room she was in the corner crying and rocking back and forth like when Andrea passed." She tells me "so something had to trigger it but what." I said " i don't know. We can ask Andi when she gets home maybe she knows something." She tells me "I'm glad you got her to sleep I'll see if I can get her to talk when she wakes up." I tell her she nods. After a few minutes sitting in Scarlett room Carina was able to get out from her grip and we slowly and quietly made our way out of the room to the kitchen.

Andreas POV
After school mama picked me up; when we got home mama turned the car off and was about to get out "mama is Scarlett okay? Sarah said she's not been texting her and she didn't go to school today and...and..." I started to get upset "Bambina she'll be okay she did stay home but she's okay. She's having an episode so when we go inside you know the rules." Mama says "yea don't talk to or look at her with petty. If she talks first then I can talk to her." I say "mama what happened why is she having another episode?" I asked "you remember when your zio passed?" She asked and I nodded "I think something she seen or heard triggered her and we just have to wait it out." She said " but I thought that was why you and mom put her in therapy." I said "it was to help prevent these things but sometimes it just happens and you can't control it." She tells me I nod and we go inside. I made my way  to the kitchen and see mom "hey mom." I say "hey Andi how was school?" She asked  " it was okay. I got a lot of homework tho they also gave me Scarlett's." I said "okay honey why don't you go up and do your homework me and mama will call you for dinner." Mom said I nodded and slowly made my way upstairs.

Mayas POV
"Carina she's been asleep since before you left don't you think we should wake her see if she'll talk to us?" I asked "I don't know maybe she needs the sleep." She responded "yea maybe but what if when she wakes up it gets worse." I asked "we'll handle it." She said "did Andi have any idea of what was going on?" I asked my last question "no she asked me if Scarlett was okay." She tells me I just nodded "what are we gonna do?" Carina asked "I don't know if it gets worse we'll have to do what we did last time." I said Carina nodded. Looking down hoping that wasn't the case.

A/N: hey y'all I hope y'all like it sorry it's taking so long I was on vacation last week and really busy before lmk what y'all think.

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