26) the lawyer

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No one's POV
It's been about a month since the house party and the cops finally took Cody Thompson in for questioning. As for Scarlett and her family it's been crazy. First the cops couldn't do anything because they said there wasn't enough evidence for them to put Cody in custody but according to Jo at the hospital she told Scarlett's moms that there was more then enough evidence on Cody Thompson.

Scarlett's POV
Today we meet with the lawyer to see what they think about this whole thing. I'm just ready for it to be over "okay scar we'll pick you up from school before lunch to go meet the lawyer okay." Mom tells me "okay." I say as I drink on of moms protein shakes they're not the best but moms are making me drink them since I don't eat like I'm supposed I guess I think it's a waste of time but it's what it is. As I take another sip of my drink I make a face. "What's the face for Bella?" Mama asked as she walked into the kitchen. "It's nasty mama." I tell her "it's either that or food and you haven't eaten in last week or so." Mama says I let out a sigh "but mama." I say in a whiny voice "no buts Scar that was the deal." Mom says "fine." I say "okay let's go get in the car time for school." Mom says as me and Andi go to the car. "Love you mama." Andi and I say before walking out of the door "love you to bambinas." She says we both get in moms car I get front and Andi gets back "hey no fair." Andi says as she makes it to the car "you always get front." She says "next time be quicker." I say with a smile as mom gets in "okay and off we go." She says

When we get to school Andi and I get out and say 'bye and I love you to mom' and make our way into the school. Met by Sarah, Summer and Kristin "hey" they all say together "hi." We reply "how are you?" Sarah asked me. "I'm okay I guess." I say and we all walk to class.

It's been a few hours and I was in my class that was just before lunch  waiting for my moms to come get be not even 5 minutes later there was a knock on the door and Mr.Jackson  told me that I was being picked up. I grabbed my stuff and walked out of class to the car. "Hey sweetie." Mom said as I got in the car. "What you want for lunch before we go meet the Lawyer?" Mama asked "I'm not hungry that protein shake was enough." I tell her "okay but if you don't eat dinner you drink another okay." Mama tells me "okay..." I told her they have both been on me about eating how I'm supposed to. I just not hungry so I don't want food.

When we got to the lawyers office we waited on them to call us back. Once we got called back I was nervous I hated this. Moms and I sat down in the in chairs. "Good afternoon I'm Jennifer Smith and how are you all this evening?" Asked the lawyer "we are good." Mom said "so we wanna what we can do with what we have on the boy who did this to our daughter." Mom said "okay right to it...but with the limited evidence we have you can probably give him a few years in jail if that." Mrs.Smith tells us I stay quite I don't wanna be here but moms thought it would be good for me to be here. I mean the trial is in a few days I just don't understand the point of me being here it's not like it will work out in my favor. Nothing ever does. " so what do we do?" Mama asked " the trial starts in a few days I say we find people that seen what happen or seen the two of them together that night and get them to be on the stand first. Then when it's gets closer to closing we put Scarlett on the stand." Mrs.Smith says "what?" I say "no I...I... I can't...." I stuttered "it will be fine we can go over stuff that will be asked and go from there you will be fine" she tells me. I just nod.

After the meeting me and moms went home I went straight to my room I was over today and didn't wanna do anything but I couldn't sit down I couldn't stop moving. I was pacing back and forth across my room. I was angry but also upset. I needed to get it out but how? The only way I ever got my anger out was running but moms have let me run since what happened at the last meet. I mean it was my fault but still.

* Flashback to 2 weeks ago*
Today is the big meet "moms we're gonna be late come on." I yell from the door "okay okay we're coming. Come on Andrea!" Mom yells as we get in the car " Scarlett you ate right?" Mama asked me "yes mama." I lie but I was fine I didn't need food I hadn't eaten for the past two months anyways so I'd be fine right. As Andi gets in the car she gives me the I know you lied look I just shake my head at her. She thinks she always knows when I lie which sometimes it's true but not all the time.
We get to the field and I go meet with Summer and Sarah "hey girls." I say "hey" Summer says "hey babe." Sarah says with a smile. "Okay team time to warm up." Coach says after warm ups it's time for the first event. "Okay Sarah, Scarlett and Kelly let's go. You got this do your best no matter what happens I'm proud of all of you." Coach tells us and we all walk to the line up "you know Coach isn't proud of all of us unless we win. So don't mess this up for us Scarlett." Kelly says I just roll my eyes. We get to the line "you got this Scar." Sarah says with a smile "so do you." I say  we all get ready and the gun goes off  and we take off i started off fine then I don't know what happened I felt fine before this but all the sudden my vision got blurry and I felt really lightheaded. I felt my self slow down "Scarlett go you got this!" I hear Andi yell so I try to shake it but the next thing I know I blacked out. Next I woke up in the hospital.
*end of flashback.*

I was pulled from my thought by a knock on my door "come in." I say "hey kiddo." Mom says "hey." I say as I finally sit on my bed "you okay?" She asked me "yea I guess." I say and she comes to sit beside me "what's going on it that beautiful head of yours?" She asked me " everything....I just want it to be over." I tell her "I know kiddo and it will soon just gotta wait."  She says "I'm tired of waiting . Im tired of not being able to do what I love all because one thing.... I just want it to stop." I tell her "what to stop?" She asked  I push myself up from my bed "everything! All of the people at school! The kids that say I asked for it!...my...my brain...I need it to stop..." I raise my voice and run my hands over my face "kiddo what are you talking about?" Mom asked "you and mama won't let me run because I passed out and ended up in the hospital because I wasn't eating but I...I need to run I....I...I don't know what else to do sometimes so I need to run and the kids at school think I'm lying about what Cody did. When this probably wasn't the first time. They call BS all the time and I get called names mom I...I...I.. just want it stop." I tell her with tears running down my face as I breakdown in front  of my mom starting to Pace my room again "okay kiddo I need you to take some deep breaths for me and slow down okay come sit..." I cut her off "what's the point? I mean they could be right. Right? I mean I went into that room willingly I wasn't forced to go in there. I...I'm what they say I am aren't I mom?" I say.

Mayas POV
She was spiraling and I wasn't sure what todo carina is better with this then I am. "Hey scar no your not okay you..." she cut me off again " I am. I'm the girl who called rape. Im the one who asked for it right thats what they say." She tells me "mom what's going on?" Andi says as she opens Scarlett's door "go get mama sweetie." I tell her and she does as I say "scar come sit down for me okay I need you to calm down a little okay your working your self up." I say trying to get her to stop pacing. "Bella what's going on?" Carina asked as she walked in and then she looks at Scarlett then we make eye contact. "Bambina hey can you stop pacing for me?" Carina asked "mama they kids are right I asked for it." Scarlett tells Carina "Bella that's not true."she says as she grabs Scarlett's hands and Scarlett pulls away. Scarlett's had episodes like this before some have been worse then others. This one looked like it was gonna be a bad one as soon as scar pulled away I seen it in her eyes she was no longer in the room with us but lost in her mind "mom it's happening." Andi tells me "I know baby I know." I say  Scarlett starts scratching at her arms and face "no Bambina no don't do that" Carina says as she grabs her hands again and this time pulls Scarlett to her and wraps her arms around her.
It took about 15 to 20 minutes to get her out of  the episode by that time Carina had Scarlett on her bed laid back on her and running her fingers though her hair. I could tell they where both exhausted I got Andi to go to her room and I told her good night. "Mom is scar gonna be okay?" She asked me "yea sweetie she will get some sleep okay." I tell her and go back to Scarlett's room "you want to switch?" I asked Carina "we don't have to I'm okay." I sit beside Scarlett's bed and look at a fast asleep Scarlett. "She scared me today." I say "me to Bella me to." She tells me "what do we do?" I asked "we be there for her. We get her what she needs therapy and anything else." She says "what would you call this?" I asked I thought it was a depression thing but I don't know. "It's the say symptoms that my brother and my father had..it's bipolar disorder and I don't want to be right but I've seen the signs and this...what just happened confirmed it." She tells me. I just nod.

A/N: hey lovely people sorry it's been a while been busy sorry. Also longer chapter. The next chapter will be the trial also we are getting a chapter of who broke Scarlett's heart before also one about what's been going on with Andrea as well. Hope you all like it lmk if there's anything y'all wanna see.

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