9) Family Day (part 1 of 3)

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Scarlett's POV
It's been a few days since the whole thing at track practice me and mom have been on a few runs. Today is Saturday and we are having family day since I don't have a meet. "Girls breakfast!" Mama yells I get up and walk to the kitchen "morning mama." I say "morning bambina." Mama said as she hugged me "how did you sleep?" Mama asked "okay I guess." I answered. "How was practice yesterday?" Mama asked "it was better the new coach is a lot nicer then coach Bishop." I tell her "that's good bella." Mama says "morning my loves." Mom comes in and give me a hug and mama a kiss. "Morning everyone." Andi says and we all sit down to eat. After eating everyone got ready to leave for the day. First we where going to the mall for mama and Andi then after that I don't know moms said it was a surprise. We got to the mall and we all walked in first store we went to was some makeup store for Andi just cause she nerdy don't mean she's not popular me and Andi both are pretty popular we are just popular in different ways. She's more popular with like the cheerleaders and smart kids as to me I'm popular with the jocks and outcast in a way I guess you could put it. Anyways back to the makeup thing Andi loves makeup just like mama it's weird to me but oh well. "Come on scar try it." Andi says "no I don't want it." I tell her as she comes at me with lipstick. "Oh bambina leave your sister alone if she don't want makeup don't make her." Mama tell Andi "fine." Andi says and goes back to looking at stuff. I end up walking out of the store and sitting on one of the chairs they have. I don't know if I told you yet but I'm not a big shopper either unless it's sports or video games. " hey kiddo." Mom says as she sits beside me. "Hey mom." I say "what's wrong?" She asked "why do we always do what Andi wants ?" I asked her hopefully it didn't sound mean but I mean who can blame me we always do what Andi wants. "Kiddo that's not true." Mom tells me "but it is mom. It's either we go to the mall on family days or we doing something else she wants to do it sucks." I say a little upset "look scar the only days we get to really do want you sister wants in on days you don't have track. Kiddo I'm sorry. But we'll do something you want when they get done okay." She says and I nod and lay my head on her shoulder waiting for them. "Okay Bellas we are ready what's next." Mama asked "well Scar what's next?" Mom asked looking at me "um....can we go to the sports store down there?" I asked and put to it "ugh moms we always do something sporty." Andi said "never mind." I say and look down "it's whatever." I say "no Scarlett it's not Andrea what's up with you today?" Mom said "it's true tho mom if not here it's at the house or at the track field I mean it's all about her." Andi said "that's not true and you know it." I say "that's it no more okay we are going home no surprise no more stores nothing." Mom said "we're sorry moms it want happened again." We say at the same time. " apologize to each other now." Mama said "I'm sorry." We say in unison "come one we're going to Scarlett's store then its time for the surprise okay." Mama said we go to the store and I get some new joggers and new shoes then we leave the mall.

Andreas POV
After the mall we were on the way home to drop off the stuff we go today at the mall and then it was surprise time. I hate surprises but hopefully this won't be to bad right "okay girl go put your stuff away and then come back down here." Mom tells us and we do as we are told. I get back downstairs before Scarlett and wait in the living room with moms. About 10 minutes later Scarlett comes down changed into something else and her hair different as well. This morning it was down and straight now it's up in a high ponytail. "Finally." I say "oh be quiet." Scarlett says and sits on the couch beside me "okay girls you ready for the surprise?" Mom asked "yes." We said together. "Okay will it's to different ones so Scarlett your with me and Andrea your with mama. Then we'll meet up for dinner okay." Mom says "okay." We all say "let's go then." Mom says and we all go me and mama in mamas car and Scarlett and mom in moms car. I hate surprises.

A/N: hey loves This  is part 1 to family day there will be 3 parts hope you like them

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