15) Run away

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Scarlett's POV
I'm up by 3:00AM so I go ahead and get ready for a run. I get changed into some joggers and a hoodie and leave. I run to the station  after that I run to the park which together is 9 miles all together after that I walked around the park for a little bit by the time I was ready to go home it was almost 6 so I took off running home. I get home a little after 7 and mama is in the kitchen. Dang it I think to myself "maya we need to talk to her." I hear mama say "I know and we will but I think it will be better if we do it without Andi here." Mom says as I walk into the kitchen "talk about what?" I asked "bambina did you go running again?" Mama asked "yea so." I say not seeing it as a big deal "bambina we talked about this you run with mom or not at all." Mama tells me "I didn't want to wake y'all up." I say "I'm gonna go get ready for school." I tell them " your not going today." Mom says "oh okay then I'm gonna go shower." I say and go take a shower. When I'm done Andi has already left for school and moms are in the living room. I walked into the living room "hi" I said "hey bambina." Mama said "sit down scar." Mom says and I do as I'm told "what's going on y'all are scaring me?" I say "we need to talk about how you been acting the past few days." Mom tells me "okay but why?" I asked "bambina you remember after Zio died you hide away in your room or you would stay in bed all day because you didn't wanna leave your room" mama asked me "yea but that was because he had just passed away and I didn't understand what happened." I say "why are we talking about Zio?" I questioned "because scar your doing it again.." I cut her off "I'm not hiding in my room I haven't been in my at all other then when you told me to go yesterday." I say getting a little aggravated "yes but listen your doing it in a different way now." Mom says "what? How?" I asked "when's the last time you slept passed 3 o'clock in the morning?" Mom asked "the other day what's that got to do with anything?" I say "Bella your showing the same signs as your Zio did.." I cut mama off "what signs? I do the same thing every morning I go for a run just like I did before yea it might be a little longer on but it's still a run." I tell them "the acting different at school and home going after your sister like you did yesterday." Mom says "I'm not acting different then I was. Just because I'm not perfect like Andrea doesn't mean I bipolar like Zio." I tell them "yes I have a lot of the same traits as Zio but I'm not him okay." I say with anger "Scarlett calm down. We didn't say anything about you not being perfect. Kiddo we are every proud of you for what you do and you and your sister never have to be perfect okay." Mom says I nod "just because I take after Zio doesn't mean I'm like him okay." I say "can I go to my room now?" I asked and they nodded so I went.

Mayas POV
"We need to get her seen as quickly as possible." Carina tells me "okay." I say she knows more about this then I do and understands it all she had her brother and her dad with bipolar. I just hope it's not to bad "when will we be able to get her in?" I asked " I will call today and hopefully since it's early they can go and see her now." Carina tells me I nod.

*About 2 hours later*

Im in the kitchen getting water when I hear yelling upstairs.

Scarlett's POV
"I'm not going!" I yell at mama "you have to bambina it's for your own good!" Mama yells at me "I'm perfectly fine! I don't need a doctor to tell me that!" I yell "hey hey! What's going on?" Mom says walking into my room " mama want to take me to the doctors. I don't need to go!" I yell "I'm not sick!" I yell again "okay that's enough with the yelling." Mom says "Carina let me talk to her." Mom tells mama she nods and leaves my room "sit." Mom says and I do "what's going on in that beautiful mind of yours?" She asked me "nothing.." I say when really a lot is I can't stop my mind from running miles a minute. But I can't tell her that cause she'll tell me mamas right and I need the doctor but I don't I'm fine. "Love I know that's not true." She say " it is there's notable up here." I tell her "okay why did you yell at mama? You my love don't normally do that. So what's going on?" She asked "mom....honestly I don't know.... It's like I have someone else in control sometimes if that make since like I'm still there but my anger gets the best of me." I tell her "I didn't mean to yell." I say "you need to tell mama your sorry and maybe try the doctors thing maybe it could help." Mom tells me I nod. She goes back downstairs. I'm not crazy am I? I thought to myself. I need a run I can't think straight. I get my shoes on and throw my hoodie on and go downstairs and walk to the front door "where you going?" I hear mom ask "I need to run." I say and open the door and walk out before they say anything.

Mayas POV
"Go after her." Carina said as I was already getting my shoes on and walking to the door "I'll be back." I say as I make my way out there are 3 places she could be. 1) Andy's house 2) the station 3)at the park I started at Andy's house. I get there and knock on the door "Maya?" She said with her eyebrows scrunched "is Scarlett here?" I asked "no why?" She asked me "okay thanks and she left home for a run by herself." I tell her "can I help?" She asked me "no it's okay I'll find her." I say "if you can't call me okay." She says "okay." I say and leave to go to the park next. I go to her spot and she's not there dang it "where are you scar?" I question out loud to myself and make my way to the station. I walk into the station "captain what are you doing here?" Dean asked "is Scarlett here?" I asked "yea showed up about 30 minutes ago she seems off she's with vic in the gym." He tells me "thank you Dean." I say and make my way to the gym.

Scarlett's POV
I was hanging out with auntie Vic which I haven't see in a while "so how you been short stack?" She asked me "fine." I say "that's all I get is fine. I haven't seen you in weeks and I just get I'm fine." She says "I just been busy I guess." I say and start hitting the punching bag "you know moms think I'm like Zio." I say out loud not really talking to Vic but just talking "okay why's that?" I hear her asked me "I don't know I guess I show signs of Bipolar like him."I say "but I'm not." I say hitting the bag really hard "maybe you should put gloves on." Vic told me I shook my head no "scar your gonna hurt yourself." She says "it don't hurt." I say as I feel
Someone grab my heads "stop scar." Mom says standing in front of me. My knuckles red and bruised almost bloody. I had tears in my eyes pulling away from her "I'm fine let me go!" I yell "no scar." She said I pull as hard as I can and finally get away from her and take off running I needed to get away so I ran. "Someone stop her!" I hear mom yell. I didn't stop I passed everyone once I got out of the station at kept running I don't know where I'm going but I'm going.

A/N: hey lovely people sorry it's so long hope you like it.
Where will Scarlett go?

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