34) happy thanksgiving

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Scarlett's POV
(Time jump)

It's thanksgiving and it's been crazy all day moms are at work for a few hours. I'm with mom while Andi is with mama. As I sit at the table in the beanery waiting for uncle Travis to fix the meal with auntie Vic I heard mom come in "Vic your here?" She asked "yea doctor cleared me to be here so I'm here. Helping with thanksgiving." She tells her.

*a month ago* (not really sure how long it was)
It's been a week since auntie Vic got hurt and uncle dean died at the explosion. We just had he's funeral and I can't get past the fact that he died. Mom and mama tell me it will get better but i already lost one uncle now I lost another one. This world sucks.
*back to present day*

I looked over to mom "hey mom." I say as I get up and go over to her to give her a hug she had just gotten back from a call. Ever since everything happened when ever mom went to the station and I wasn't at school I went with her. I have started wishing she wasn't working at the station. It's dangerous and I could lose her I know I'm not the best kid but I can't lose her she's my best friend. "Hey kiddo how are you?" She asked me "I'm okay now that your back." I tell her not long after that uncle Jack came in "I'm cooking thanksgiving dinner now." He said "what?" Travis said "you heard me." He said and started doing stuff. "Come on kiddo let's go get the tables downstairs ready." She said and we went downstairs.

After getting the tables ready Ben came in the Pru "hey guys." He said "hey." Mom and I said back as the alarm went off Ben handed Pru to mom "here stay with auntie maya and your cousin Scarlett." He said "hey wait can't someone else take her why's it got to be the woman gets stuck with the baby like it's the 1950s huh?" Mom said  "you okay mom you seem worried." I say "I'm okay, we're okay, right?" She said looking between me and Pru  "yea we're okay mom come on let go to the lounge." I say we all went upstairs and sat in the lounge as Pru played on the piano. A few minutes later she stopped and looked at me and mom "what?" Mom asked " potty." Pru says "you got to go potty okay let's go." Mom grabbed her up and as she was walking out of the room "oh no." Mom said pulling a face I couldn't help but laugh. "Oh no what do i do?" Mom said "don't you know how to do this you had me and Andi?" I asked "yea but still that's been a while." She tells me "Bella what's going on?" Mama asked as she walked in "help." Mom said me and Andi couldn't stop laughing.

After mama got Pru changed she walked over to me and I picked her up "hey there" I said "hey." She said back I tickle her and she started laughing the cutest laugh ever. It sucks her dad won't be able to watch her grow up.

After everyone got back from the call we all got sat down for dinner with everyone even Deans dad which was weird in a lot of ways. After dinner Deans bad came to get Pru from my lap and take her home with him. But uncle Ben and auntie Bailey didn't like that idea I mean I didn't either Pru was a part of our family he can't take her away from the only family she has. I didn't let go of her until mom looked at me and nodded that I had to. "This isn't fair!" I said loudly and ran upstairs away from everyone.

Mayas POV
"I'll go." I tell Carina she nods I go upstairs "scar? Where are you kiddo?" I say as I walk into the kitchen I look to the lounge and see her sitting on the couch with her knees up to her chest and sharing at the wall in front of her. I walk into the lounge "hey kiddo." I say she didn't say a word "I know it's not fair but there her grandparents." I tell her "but uncle Ben and auntie Bailey are supposed to take her." She says not looking away from the wall "sweetie I know but sometimes things don't work out how we want." I tell her "like your job?" She asked as she looked at me with sad eyes "yea kiddo like my job." I tell her knowing how hard Deans death had been on her and everyone else myself included "are you gonna die to? Like he did? I can't lose you mom I don't want to." I tells me with tears felling her eyes "no baby no I'm not...look I'm gonna die someday hopefully not anytime soon okay but I won't leave you mama and Andi okay imma stay for as long as I can." I tell her she moves closer to me "please don't die mommy." She cried in my arms as I held her "I won't baby I won't." I say. I didn't realize how bad Deans death had hit her.

After about 30 minutes of sitting with her while she cried she had fallen asleep in my arms Carina had came and checked on us I told her what happened and told her I was gonna sit with her till Carina and Andi where ready to go home. About 10 minutes after Carina came up she came back to tell me to wake up Scarlett and we would go home I did as she said and we all went home that night Scarlett wouldn't let me leave her room at all she wanted me to stay so she knew I was okay and I can't blame her. Her and her sister have lost a lot in there life's at a young age. So I stayed with her.

A/N : hey loves hope you all like it sorry it took so long and hope everyone had a great thanksgiving I'm also working on another chapter it might take a little while but I'll get it out as soon as I can.

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