45) Getting help (part 1 of 2)

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Carinas POV
It's been a few days since I made the appointment for Scarlett. It's for later today I'll be taking her Maya is with Andi right trying to get her discharge from the hospital they decided to keep her a little longer just to keep a close eye on her. She's doing a lot better then what she was the day she woke up. We are hoping for her to get back to her old self by next month or so other the her leg. Her leg was the worst of it is what Amelia told me. 

"Mama when will mom be home?" Scarlett comes downstairs asking. "I'm not sure Bambina why" I say " I wanted to ask her something." She tells me "what is your question I can try and help." I tell her "it's about running mama you wouldn't know." She says in her I need mom not you way. She's done since she started talking. "Okay okay I understand." I said with my hands up in surrender. "She's at the hospital with Andi right now she'll be back in a few hours or so." I tell her "okay." She says and turns to walk away she takes a few steps and turns back to me. "I love you mama." She tells me "I love you to Bambina." I say back

Scarlett's POV
When I get done talking to mama I go to my room and call Sarah. I haven't talked to her for a few days since not being in school cause of fighting.
On FaceTime:
Sarah: Hey sweetie.
Me: Hey how was school?
Sarah: It was okay how's home life? When do you come back?
Me: Its okay boring I wish you where here. I think I can come back next week.
Sarah: I have no one to talk today.
Me: Why? Where's Summer and Kristin?
Sarah: Summers sick and Kristin said she wasn't feeling up to coming today.
Me: oh I'm sorry I wasn't able to be there.
Sarah: it's okay it's not your fault Kelly was being a Jerk to you.
Sarah: you okay?
Me: yea just thinking.
Sarah: about?
Me: Andi could have died.
Sarah: but she's okay right she woke up.
Me:Yea but what if something happens and she just dies?
Sarah: I don't think would happen.
Me: I guess your right.

After my call with Sarah mama called me downstairs "Bambina I have news" she said "okay what is it?" I asked "you have an appointment today at the hospital." She told me "why?" I asked "I'm fine." I tell her "Bambina me and mom are worried about you and so is Andi." She tells me "why I fine." I tell her "Bambina your not fine. And we just wanna make sure your okay." She tells me and I just nod and go back to my room. I don't understand the point in going to doctors. I'm fine Andi the one who needs help right now. I'm fine right.

Mayas POV
Me and Andi our at the hospital trying to get the discharge papers signed so I can get her home. I walked out of the room to sign them. Not even 5 minutes later I heard someone call for a doctor I turned to look to see what room needed help and see they are running into Andi room. I follow after them "what's going on?" I asked "ma'am we need you to step back." One of the interns told me "that's my daughter tell me what happened." I said pushing past the interns. "Bishop-Deluca let us do our jobs so we can get her back stable okay." One of the doctors said I couldn't think of his name right. "She was just awake how could this happen?" I asked as a nurse came to me and pulled me out of the room. "She was just okay what happened?" I asked the nurse "we think it has to do with the head injury." She told me "you think?!" I yell "go help her!" I yell again.

About 15 minutes later
"Maya..." Amelia said walking up to me looking at me like something bad has happened."what? Don't give me that look. What happened?" I asked " call Carina y'all both need to be here."....

A/N: hope you guys like is sorry for the cliffhanger. Let me know what y'all think. Posting this in high hopes for tonight episode.

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