17) One day at a time

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Scarlett's POV
Time. It's a weird thing if you think about it. It goes by so fast or slow when your younger you wish to be older but when your older you would do anything to be your young self again. So like I said time is weird but we all go year by year, day by day, hour by hour, and minute by minute. We watch as time goes by some of us wast it and others know how to use it. But when someone tells you 'one day at a time.' If your me you probably think how is that possible it's hard enough now to go on about my life by the hour much less a day. There are so many things we worry about or stress over in a day with trying to please everyone how do we take making sure we are okay in the mix of it all? That's the question I asked myself when I got up this morning.


"Time to get up sleepy head." Mom came in my room this morning. It's weird I sleep all night long after the day I had yesterday I must have been tired. "Morning mom." I say "how did you sleep?" She asked me "pretty good." I say "you know it's been a long time since I had to wake you up for school kiddo." She tells me "yea sorry." I say feeling bad i over slept. "Come on kiddo breakfast is ready." She says I get up go eat after breakfast I get ready for school. Okay todays a normal day I'm okay. " Scar come on we're gonna be late!" Andi yells I grab my bag and run downstairs "I'm coming!" I yell as I run "bye mom bye mama." I say giving them both a hug on my way out. Something different today I feel it. We get to school and I see Summer and Sarah. I walk over to them "hey guys." I say they both say hey "where were you yesterday?" Summer asked me "I was with my moms just a moms and scar day." I lie not wanting them to know the whole truth yet "okay cool. Hey you wanna out this weekend?" Summer asked "I'll ask if I can." I tell her "okay I'll see y'all later" she says and walks off "your being quiet." I say to Sarah. "Yea sorry can we talk?" She asked "yea what's up." I say "it's about the kiss the other day." She says and I nod "I tried to call you and talk to you about it but you didn't answer I thought it was because I scared you and if I did I'm sorry i didn't mean to..." I cut her off " you didn't scare me and I'm sorry for not answering I was busy with family stuff." I tell her "oh okay. I thought you didn't want to see me." She says "why would I not want to see you? You amazing and funny and great to hang out with." I tell her and she smiles. "Thanks." She says we start walking to class we get to class and sit in our seats waiting for the teacher to start her lesson. "Hey Scarlett is it okay if I call you tonight?" Sarah asked me "yea of course." I say with a smile "okay kids open your books to page 345." The teacher said.

*lunch time*

At lunch I sat beside Sarah with Summer and Kennedy across from us and Andrew was at the end of the table "so what's the plan for tomorrow after the meet?" Andrew asked "I'm gonna see if I can go to Summers." I say "that sounds fun can I come?" Sarah asked Summer nodded "yea that's where I'll be to." Kennedy said " so everyone was invited to your house Summer other then me?" Andrew asked " no I asked Scar this morning and Sarah just got the invite by the way also Kennedy is  staying at my house while her moms out of town for work." Summer tells him "right right okay so what I'm hearing is I can come?" He says " yes Andrew if you really want to." Summer tells him. " okay cool." He says "who's all racing tomorrow?" Kennedy asked "me, Kelly, and Sarah I believe." I say "Summer your not racing?" Andrew asked "no I didn't make the time." She tells him "but Kelly did?" Kennedy asked me Sarah and Summer all nod and roll our eyes at the same time. "Only why Sumner can race is if Kelly gets hurt." Sarah says "wow that sucks I'm sorry Summer." Kennedy says "it's okay I get to see 2 of the best runners out that win." She says and me and Sarah smile. The bell rings "I'll catch you later." I say and get my stuff for class and hurry off. As I walk down the hall I see Andi being pushed up against the locker "hey let her go!" I yell as I make my way over to who ever this person was and grab there shoulder "this has nothing to do with you." The person said and pushed me back "I said let her got." I say grabbing them again turning them to see there face "oh look who it is the unstable sister." Madison Rivers said "leave my sister alone." I tell her "and why would I do that?" She asked putting all her attention on me. "What has she done to you Madison?" I asked "nothing but it's fun to pick on the little pen head" she tells me " yea will pick on some else." I tell her "what are you gonna do about it?" She asked "you seen what I did you Kelly." I say she moves closer to me "I'm not scared of you." She says "you should be." I say at this point our noses are about to touch. "Come on scar leave it alone shes not worth it." I hear Andi say I step back "your right come on Andi let's go." I say as I turn to walk off "that's what I thought your all talk but not gonna do anything." She said something flipped. It's like something in me said to do it I turned on my heels and hit her right in the nose "leave me and my sister alone." I say then turned back to Andi and we went to our next class. After school we went home no one called moms about me hitting a kid it was like it never happened. After dinner I was laying in my bed and I heard my phone go off I pick up.
*on the phone*
Sarah: Hey
Me: Hey
Sarah: Did your moms hear about what happened with Madison?
Me: no I hope they don't. If they do I won't be able to go to Summers tomorrow after the race.

Me and Sarah stayed on the phone all night she fell asleep first and I soon followed.

A/N: hey loves hope y'all enjoy this chapter. I hope it's what you all want. Let me know what you all want to see more of.

How we feeling about Sarah and Scarlett as a couple?

The next part will have more of Andi in it also I have a chapter all about Andi and how she's taking everything going on.

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