Side Backstory - Jamis 1 (Accused)

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Jamis's POV *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"Hahaha! Come on Brother! I thought this was a competition of who's first to get to the table will eat half of their food!" My Brother, Jhon, says as we run through the halls towards the dinner table. Being the youngest has its perks and consequences, just like everything else.

"Hey! Slow down!" I wasn't paying attention to where I was looking and I stumbled to the floor, pretty hard. Though I did not feel the pain, I saw my blood drip down from my forehead. I cry like any other young beings do when they get hurt. Well, who am I kidding? Old people also cry.

My brother comes running back to me, "H-Hey! It's okay, it's okay." He pats my back, and my cries turn into sobs. Then he sang the song Mama used to sing me when I get hurt. "Don't cry, you're fine now." I hug him. "Say let's just walk all the way there this time." He said with a smile and I nod.

Though... All of that was long gone.

I open my eyes and was greeted by the white ceiling of my room. "Another one of those memories huh..." I rub my eyes to get the tiredness off my eyes. "Why do these dreams haunt my sleep?" I groan getting up from my rather ragged bed. I did my basic morning routine, took a shower, and brushed my teeth. And going to the kitchen to get something to eat. I step out of my room and head to the kitchen, wearing my only clothing, it's fancy but, I can barely move in this stiff clothing, but, it's better than going outside naked.

Once I'm in the kitchen I open the doors without hesitation and the chef's smile turns into a frown as they lay their eyes on me. "Auggh, great, what do you want..?" I ignore him and grabbed what I wanted. An apple, a steak with rice, and a glass of water. I went back into my room and ate my meal.

I don't think going outside would be a great idea after what I just did. My brother is still trying to prove I'm innocent to the other representatives. I feel like a burden. "Maybe I should just face my punishments than be problematic to my brother." I sigh unsure of what to do. "Maybe I should go to the hill where nobody would find me except my brother." I stand up, getting weirded out talking to myself but, that's what happens when you kill your Parent.

No, take that thought out of your head. I quickly strode to the door to be met by my brother. "I hope you aren't thinking of going to the hill again?" He says with concern in his, I can't face him. I look down. "That won't do, look at me Jamis." I shake my head.

He sighed defeated, "I-I'm sorry, I told you that I won't go there again but, that place feels better than the home I'm supposed to feel here." He puts his paw on my shoulder.

"Look, I know that you did not kill Father for nothing. I too have a feeling that someone in our relatives is the culprit of controlling Dad's mind." I reach to him. And he takes the initiative, he hugs me. For the first time in centuries. "Brother, the both of us know father more than anyone, and we know that he will never put up a law of legal murder." I nod.

"Yeah, he told me himself. He made me kill him." Jhon pulls away from our hug and composes himself. "What have the representatives thought?" He shakes his head.

"They want you dead. But, I have a plan. I want you to hate me." What? "J-just listen for a moment, I have a plan, I will have to exile you, to keep you safe, until I get the position of the throne and I will find you, even if it takes forever, I will take you back." I take a step back.

"B-but brother, you do know, being exiled means... Mortality." My brother has tears in his eyes.

"I will find a way to bring you back, alive. And only alive. I will ask for a being that can return your soul to your being." He pulls the door closed and the windows of my room disappear leaving only a wall on it. "This is for your safety, I do not want to lose you too."

And with that, I was locked in my room for I don't know how long until they exiled me out of my home.

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