Chapter 15 - Fireball!

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Ragire's POV *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Hannah is still unconscious. And the City is crawling with shadows. To get to the bunker, we need to pass through the Market and into the castle barracks. Which is a few miles from here, I'm not sure.

"Ragire, stick close." He whispers to my ear as he sneaks to the next blind spot in all the chaos in the City. But, it's quiet, now I'm hoping that just means the creatures were able to get to the bunker safely.

I carry Hannah on my back easily. The best about Fire affinities is the ability to be offensive and buff yourself. Though it's not very helpful for anything other than carrying something.

We both peek through our hiding spot, which is just rock debris. We see 5 shadows lurking around sniffing around, good thing Lustre is also an Earth Astral. He can easily remove our tracks, smell, and presence. Though we are surrounded by dust, it takes a lot not to inhale any.

We did not expect a sixth one to search the debris we are hiding in. We quickly duck down and covered our mouths. Its big snout pokes above our heads and sniffs about, thanks to the dust around us, his snout retreats and sneezes.

That was close. "Here's what we're going to do."

Ragire's Mind:

He's going to bounce rocks and it will distract all of them, then once they are close enough to the noise, we go vroom vroom.

Back to Narration:

"Got it?" I nod.

"Gargan: Ziwate." The ground shook and two rocks bounced behind the unsuspecting shadow they hastily go to the noise and we booked it. As we thought we were out of there, another shadow had gone out of a ruined building and bashed Lustre in his left arm.

"Feront: Femamimye!" The creature squirms in pain.

Ragire's Mind:

Nobody hurts, Lustre like that. Not while I'm here you piece of fire hazard!

Back to Narration:

"Femamimye!" I strike it again, and again, and again until its shadow had completely disappeared. I hope the sky would clear soon so that these things would just disappear.

"Thanks..." I help Lustre to his feet. Overall, he just seemed winded, good thing he wasn't hurt.

We continue walking and looking around until finally, the clouds have cleared.

"Seems like we didn't need to go to the bunker after all."

"Ragire! Brother!" I hear someone shouting, "Lustre! Ragire! Over here!" In the distance, we see Blazer and Cade. We catch up to them and my brother hugs me tightly, "I'm so glad you're okay." I hug back. "Lustre thank you for looking out for my brother."

He shakes his head. "Not at all, it was Ragire who saved me and my sister." He finally notices that Hannah is passed out on my back.

"What happened?" Lustre scratches his head.

"A shadow had screeched and it lulled Hannah to unconsciousness." Once he said that Hannah gasped for air.

"What happened? Where are we?" Seemingly distressed I offer her my head. She willingly pets it while slowly catching her breath.

"That's what we want to ask you, what happened?"

"I was in the room then transported into some kind of dark room with only one light above me and then I was curious if I stepped out of the light." She shivers. "I-it pulled me, I fought back and - and then a light-" She gasped for air again.
"A bright light- saved me from the clutches of darkness." She hugs her brother.

"It's okay, you're fine now." She sobs and we spent a few moments standing around until we see a swarm of priests and nuns running with Jamis in the middle carrying...

"...radiant..?" My heart starts to race.

"Did I see that right..?" Blazer has a horrified look on his face and he starts running after the priests and nuns.

"Blazer wait!" Cade follows behind him.

And I too, run after them. With Hannah and Lustre behind me.

Ragire's Mind:

What's going on..? Why is Radiant.. being carried again, and why do I feel sad..?

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* King Arthur's POV *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"HAAAAHH!!" I thrash at the walls of the cave, "They failed?!?" I grumble, walking back and forth.

"Y-Yes, but Sire, please do calm down."

"And why would I calm down?! That was an expensive spell tome I gave them to wreak havoc and yet, Argh!!" I clutch my chest with my right paw as the corruption is making its way through it.

"I told you to calm down. It won't do you any good." My loyal servant helps me sit on my throne and helped me drink water.

I slowly regained my composure. "I'm sorry, I know that this was also possible to happen, but if we could have taken down Nomara then we would have a straight way to the Pillars of Creation," I say.

"Well, we still have a lot of tricks up our sleeve, your Majesty. So you better just-" The crow shakes the bottle he has in hand.

"Just?" I ask.

"Just relax, okay? We need you to be alive for our plan to work." I nod. "The faster you can attain the curse the better advantage for us to get our loved one's back."

"I'm sorry, Uncle." His head perks up, he looks at me and walks toward me slowly, and puts his talons on my shoulders.

"Rest assured, we will get your mother back." He pets my head. "Just behave and continue working on the curse." He steps back and looks me up and down. "You're precious to me, Arthur. May you be a villain to the others, I will walk with you."

I nod. "Thank you, Uncle, I knew I could count on you." He smiles and goes back to his potion brewery.

"That Radiant..."


"The chosen might die now, I had inflicted a powerful curse on him." The crow laughs.

"You're as impatient as ever, my boy."

Your time is ticking.


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