Chapter 25 - Experiment

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Cade's POV *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

I hum as the collection of potion brews hasn't exploded yet. "I'm close to making a pure plasma liquid!" I concentrate on the flask I have on the table and activate the laser I have made with my creation magic. As it roared to life, it spewed a powerful light. And it slowly boils the liquid I had concocted. "Yes... A little more... Come onnnnn." The liquid is slowly evaporating. "Fudge. Come on! At least a drop." As the laser has done its duration. I sigh, "It failed. There's nothing left." I raise the flask and turn it upside down to emphasize that it's empty. A knock on the door interrupts my plasma drama. I open the hatch to let out the gas inside and turn off the brewing stands. I open the door while I still have my mask on and, am I seeing things? "Who is that?"

"Cade, can we please get inside first?" I gesture to them to wait and I fan away the leftover gas.

"You should have told me you were coming over!" I shout at the half-opened door. "I was testing my plasma liquid and you know how it made you sick last time when you refused to use a mask." I think the gas is gone now. I move to the door, "Okay, come on in." I opened it for them and locked it behind them. "So now, can you explain who he is?"

"This is Alastair, Radiant's darkness." I think my jaw hit the floor.

"Hiiii." He waves as he takes off his cloak, all the while Radiant holding his back. "So, uh, I was told by your boyfriend you might have a solution for our sticky situation." He gestures to their paws intertwined.

"What? Hold on, what kind of situation?" Blazer informs me of what transpired. "And no one else saw you three?"

"I hope so. I used my affinity." I facepalmed.

"You idiot!! Aidan would know now and suspect we're on to something!" And as if on cue, someone knocks on the door. I exhale. "I'll do the talking." I open the door and I see Aidan with a glare in his eyes.

"Anything I should know about." Guess I was too loud, oops.

"Yeah, well, get in." His men were about to come in as well, but I stop them. "Confidential, boys. Captain will do." I wink and close the door.

"So that's lucid darkness, it's just like what Hannah told me about one particular part of the Salinas Church's Holy Book." He cups the small fox's face and covers almost his whole face. He turns it in every way possible.

"I think that's enough for you, Aidan?" I say tapping my foot.

"When did you become so snarky?"

"And when did you become this reasonable?"

"Shorry bhutt can chu pleeesh geth your paw offf?" He releases Alastair's poor maw.

"Alright, genius, you win for now, as long as he behaves himself we have no problem here." He walks out, "But, I will tell the King about this."

"Urgh! You're so obsequious!" He didn't even close the door as he flew away with his comrades. "Alright, so now that I know your problem. I think I know a very good idea." I move toward one of the cabinets to find scissors. When I find it, I come back to them. "This might be very risky, I will need some of your fur Radiant." He offers his free paw and I snip a small part I rummage through some cabinets to find glue. I apply it to the fur. "Alright Alastair, this might feel weird but if this works, you have to thank me," I smirk as I splatter the glue on his arm.

"Ughh! What is that?" He shivers.

"Don't worry, it'll harden soon."

"I think I won't ever get used to- urp," I think he's going to puke. Without a second thought, he lets go of Radiant's paw and onto the only window and pukes a dark blob.

"Well, at least it worked." He seems to realize it as he looks back at Radiant who's standing where he was before.

"T-thank you." I smile triumphantly.

"You're very welcome! Just don't let it get wet, it'll wear off." As I help Radiant and Alastair at the door, I wave them goodbye, feeling accomplished.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Radiant's POV *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"Now what?" I ask as we walk through the streets all the while catching Creature's eyes.

"I came here to warn you," he whispers in my ear. "Arthur's coming, and this time, the sky would truly turn dark. 3 months from now."

"That's the next dusk." He nods.

"And I'm also here to tell you everything I know about the dark spells."

"Why not tell it to the King since Aidan already reported about us." He chuckles.

"I hope that goes well-"

"Halt!" We get surrounded by knights with the crest of the Fire Church. "You are under arrest by the authority of the Fire Being." They point their long spears at us, "One wrong move and you'll be executed."

"Wait, you meant to say that the Fire Being is arresting us?"

"You have no say nor question to his authority."

"Oh really..?" I frown feeling rather angry at the lack of respect. "Where is he?"

They visibly shake under my gaze and retort, but their leader continues, "W-we must take you-"

"For a reason, we do not know. Yeah right." I take this chance to cast a blind spell in my head. "Salinas: Feyazu."

"Argh!-" I grab Alastair's hand and ran back towards the castle. "Seize them!" One of them suddenly appeared in front of us and pounce at me. And Alastair uses a dark spell.

'Domat' he whispers, 'move slowly, and don't say a word, this mist will make others hallucinate by their actions.' We trudged through the thick mist he created and continued running.

"Will those people be okay?"

He laughs, "Dark magic sounds ominous, but there are spells that won't take their life. Though they may go crazy for a few months." We pant, stopping right at the castle's gate. The guards there are eyeing us suspiciously though they do not attack us like the Fire Church Knights.

We ran inside.

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