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Do you come to my room? Taehyung looks at his brother.

N... No... Soobin said.

Taehyung dangerously looked at him. Soobin Do you come to my room?

Yes... He said. My mobile went missing so...

Do you take my laptop?

Hyung. Its...

Yes or no... Soobin?

Soobin looks down... Sorry, hyung... I

Soobin got a punch on his stomach and Taehyung pinned him to the wall. Listen here bitch don't dare to enter my room and don't touch my things... Do you get me?

Get me or not?

Yes, I get you... He said with tearful eyes.


What the hell are you doing here? Yoongi glared at the man in front of him.

To see you...I want to talk to you.

I don't want. This is school... This is not a place for you... Please go out...

Yoongi... I back two days before. I have called you so many times but you didn't attend calls. That's why I am...

I don't want to be... Please out Hoseok... Yoongi said sternly.

Hoseok gets up from his seat... Still,l, I love you yoongi... He said... I know what your problem is but mark my word yoongia if anything comes between us I never tolerate that even your dump son...

Don't dare to say anything about my son... Yoongi glared at him. I hate you. Get out... Yoongi shouted to him.

Yoongi sits on his seat... Dump... He repeats that word... No, my baby is not a dump... Never... He said to himself.


Jin carefully observe his best friend which was silent.

What happened yoongi? Tell me. I don't have any complaints you can cancel his suspension.

It's not that Jin... I was thinking about something else. I want to go somewhere for a month.  But I can't take Kooky with me.

Where? Jin looked at him.

To see someone... I can't tell you sorry. I don't know what should i do with my bun.  Yoongi bites his nails out of tension.

Jin holds his hand... If you and Jungkook are ok... I will take him with me. Soobin is also there.

No... Its.

Don't worry he will be safe there... You speak with him.

Thank you... Yoongi said.

Ya. Jin smiled at him.


Do you see this?  Jin asks Joon.

What happened?

Your son...beat him... Look Jin show Soobin's stomach where there is a purple bruise.

Oh...my... Come here... Joon calls his son. He touches his stomach ...

Ouch, Dad. He cried in pain.

Let's go to the hospital. Joon looks at him.

No... I apply some ointment... But you should ask him why he does this to my son.

You can ask me directly... Mr Kim... Taehyung enters the scene. Soobin hides behind Jin.

He is a child Tae... What if something happens to him?

I don't fucking care  mr. Kim. Whether he lives or dies.

This is  too much... Jin look at Joon.

Tae... Joon calls him in a calm tone.

It's nothing, Dad... I was just warning him and listen here... I will be here for a month... Don't interfere with any of my business. Both you and your son stay away from me and my room. Taehyung said sternly. Dad. Let's go the meeting is starting in minutes. Tae go out.

Joon looks at soon... Hai cheers up buddy... Dad will ask him... Don't worry... He goes back with his son.

Jin stares at the way... He knows  Namjoon never say anything against Taehyung... If he kills Someone. Because for him, Tae is his life and death. 

Please send someone devil into this angry tiger's life? Jin said while looking at the sky.


Jungkooki is here... I am coming to you... Kook shouts once his mother calls him for dinner.

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