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Who is going to speak with Yoongi? Joon asks while caressing his husband's soft hair.

I don't know... But I will speak with him... He is my friend... I think Jungkook is better for Taehyung... Like mouse and cat...It's going to be interesting.

You want them to fight each other...

No... They are so cute together... Don't confuse me, I will talk with Yoongi.
Joon I want to say something...


I think... I have some disease. I feel lazy, I am vomiting...I feel to eat a lot...

Let's go to the doctor, tomorrow. Joon hugs him more.

What if I am going to die?

Don't speak foolishness... We can go to the doctor's tomorrow...

Joon, if something happens to me... Please take care of my Soobin...Tae doesn't like him... Please don't make our child alone...

Jin... Please... Just sleep... It's already midnight...

Joon... You know...

Say one more word, I will make you out of the room.

I will kill you..... He bites Joon's hand...

Oh... My... I know your disease... You are mental... My hand... He cried in pain.....


Jungkook carefully observes his teeth... It's beautiful... after taking shower he wears a big hoody and big pants... and walks down to see his, parents.

Hobi was still there... Yoongi already gets out of him but this man is stuck there...

Hobi stared at Yoongi who was working in the. e slowly gets up and wawalkededward him and stands behind him in silence.

Oh. Yoongi was startled by seeing him... What the hell Hobi? You make me scared...

Sorry... Hobi said more than a whisper... They are so close to each other... Yoongi tries to move but two hands hold him.

Don't touch me... Yoongi looks at him.


No... Hoseok... Its...

Why you are avoiding me...

You are a killer... You killed my parents.

You don't know the truth... Hobi cup his face... Do you think am i taking your happiness away...

I don't know...

Believe me... I love you... Only you... Hobi kisses his forehead...

No... Bunny is here...

He is sleeping.....

No... But he was cut off by a pair of lips...

Jungkook closes his mouth... Without making any noise he runs from there... Jungkook walk outside and sat on a wooden bench... He was all shy... But happy too... Maybe he will get his both parents.

Hello? Are you new here?

Jungkook looks at the voice... Yes, I am...

Hai... I'm Kevin... That's my house... He points to a house.

I am Jeon Jungkook... He smiles.

Oh...nice name....are you studying?

No...am a professional lazy man...

What? the boy frown and laughed

You are so funny...Kevin said between his laugh.

No, I am a bunny...

Oh...god...friends? He asks with a smile.

Off course...Jungkook shakes his hand with him.


Yes...you are pregnant...The doctor said to them.

Doctor, we don't want a child. We need an abortion.

It's not your choice Mr Kim... it's all about the mother...The doctor looks at Jin...

Jin was silent...

Jin says something...Joon looks at him.

I don't want this child...he said more like a whisper.

Ok...then take these medicines... I mean it's just 1 week, so this tablet is enough... If you have anything just come to the hospital.

Ok... Thank you, doctor.

Are you ashamed of me? Jin asks while going back.


Then why?

It's all about health Jin... I don't take any risks again.

26 years before you said the same... But our Tae was good.

Tae was good... What about you? You were in a coma for six years... I live in hell... I can't even imagine that day again.

Jin looks outside... After his delivery, he fell into a coma. His sister was the one who took care of Tae...but she fell for Joon...
Soobin was Joon's sister's son who lost his parents when he was a baby... But for everyone, Jin is stepmother Taehyung.

Is this girl child or not... Can we get to know?

What? One week pregnancy... You can't address it as a child...

It's for you... For me, it's a child and I am a mother to her. Jin again looks outside.

Do you want to keep this child? Joon stops his car...

Yes... I want.

Ok... It's all about your choice...



Thank you... He leans toward him...

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