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I'm sorry...

Not like that with a smile... Jungkook said.

Tae Plaster a smile on his lips... I'm sorry...

No... Jungkooki...am sorry... Like that...

At around one hour, Tae tried to say sorry but nothing satisfied mr.Bunny.
Taehyung grit his teeth... But he should do this... Jungkooki... I'm sorry.....

But the bunny pouted in disappointment, you are not fun... I am going... He turns back.

Taehyung immediately holds his hand and pulls him towards him... Jungkook fell on his chest... Taehyung slightly picks him up from the ground and adjusts their height...

Jungkooki... Bunny... Baby... I am sorry... He smiles beautifully...

Hyung... Jungkook calls him...

Tell me... Taehyung looked at him...

You have yellow teeth... Bunny laughed loudly. Taehyung put him down.

Are you satisfied with my sorry? Taehyung looked at him.

Ya... It's good... But brush your teeth every day.....

Shut up... Tae said...

What is your favourite colour? Kook asks.

Green and Gray.

What a combination... But I like every colour... All colours are beautiful... You know who makes colours... It's Rainbow...Rainbow is my friend... He gives me colours for my drawing book... We have a secret deal... Jungkook was blabbering... Taehyung was irritated to his death... He curses all the Gods in the world for sending this bunny to his life...

Drop me at home... After a good hour, Jungkook said to him...

Thank God... Come... Taehyung gets from the park and walksHissar.

Don't forget about the date tomorrow... Jungkook remembers him...

Yeah... Taehyung sighed...


Bunny.... Do your packing and all immediately... Yoongi remembers him.

It's all packed Papa... Papa... My toys... He looks at him.

Toys? Yoongi looks at his toys... A bamboo stick, knives, spanners, screwdrivers, testers, boxing gloves, stones, dry leaves, scissors, etc...

Police will arrest us calling terrorists if we carry these weapons.

I hate you... Jungkook pouts cutely... I miss my toys... He starts to fake cry...

We can buy some things from Finland too...Yoongi tries to pamper... But how it's possible to stop a fake cry?

Papa... Don't make dinner for me, I have a date...

With whom?



Hitler... Hitler...

Yoongi looks at him... Bunny... He calls him.

Oh... Don't worry Papa... Not serious... I just make fun of him... I need some entertainment before going to Finland...

What about him?

He hates me and loves someone else... That's what the fun is.

Be careful...

I will caty... I'm hungry... I need pizza... He starts his fake cry again.


Taehyung was waiting for Jungkook in front of their school... He saw three friends coming to him.

Hello... Jungkook with him.

Let's go... Taehyung asks

Yes... Bye guys... We have a date today... He said to them and get into the car.

Taehyung look at Jimin and Soobin... Soobin was thinking something very deeply. Jimin widely smiles at him.

Wow... This is super... I like it... Kooki chirps.

You are the one who chooses this restaurant... What do you want to eat?

You don't arrange any surprise for me.


How I live with you for the rest of my life? You are so unromantic...

Jungkook... Taehyung looked at him... You are getting on my nerve...

This is my first date... Kooki gets up from his seat and walks somewhere.

Taehyung follows him... He saw Jungkook standing on another side of a mirror glass... He knocks on the glass...

Jungkook turns towards him and smiles... This is my first date... No one take me for a date before... Thanks... He said...

But Taehyung didn't hear anything he was standing on another side of the glass... What? He Jesters his hand...

Jungkook shrugs his shoulder and leans toward the glass door... He touches his forehead on the glass door.... and looks at Taehyung...

Taehyung does the same... He also touches his forehead over the glass door and stares at the Bunny...

Jungkook smiled at him and displays his two bunny teeth.

Where did you get these bunny teeth? Tae asks.

What? Jungkook scrunches his nose.

Tae also shrugs his shoulder... You look beautiful... He again said.

Am I looking awful... Jungkook frown.

You are very funny...

I know I am bunny-looking...

Sometimes you are making me happy...

Am I a hippo? Did you call me hippo... You stupid...

They continue their conversation like that but no fight no curse because both of them don't hear what they are speaking...just smile and peace.....

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