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You look older than me... Namjoon lovingly pats his son's head...

Responsibility makes a child to man... Tae laughed...

Look here... Joon cups his eyes... The dark circle was really visible under his eyes... His cheekbones already peeking... Tae... Namjoon felt a pang in his heart...

What happens Appa? He looks at him...

Nothing... Just sleep sometimes... He massages his son's head... Tae slowly leans toward his father... It's been days since he slept... Jungkook was so stubborn and angry nowadays... He wants Tae always with him... He starts to vomit every day... which makes me weak... The doctor prescribes bed rest for him...


I don't want this... Jungkook throws the dress to the floor...

Kooky. Please... Yoongi looks at him...

Where is he? He looks at him...

He is sleeping... Let him ... He is so tired...

Who is pregnant? Me or him? Jungkook again throws a cup to the floor...

Kooky... Jin shout...

What? I want to see him... He gets out of bed and walks to Taehyung.

Kooky... Slowly... Yoongi shout from behind...


Jimin you can go... This is my work, I will do it...

It's ok... Hyung... I will do it and sir Hoseok asks me to help you... Please, ... Kooky was waiting for you... Go to him.

But Jimin this so...

Hyung just tells me how should I clear this... Then I and Soobin do it together...

Ok... Come here... These s files for submitting income tax office... We should add the salary bill into two sections... Taehyung started to explain... Jimin listens to him carefully...

Yes... Hyung I do it... Ya get it...

Suddenly a flower vase broken shattered on the floor...

Both of them were startled...

Kooki... Stop there... It's glass Taehyung said to him...Jimin you too... Move back

You are so caring for him... Isn't? Jungkook looks at them... Wow...  Jiminy... I said something to you some weeks before and you take that seriously... You are so clingy to my husband...

Kooy comes here... Yoongi came there.

Oh... I forget old lovers... Looking so good together...

What is this Jungkook? Jimin looks at him with a tearful eye... He got hurt because his best friend blamed him... Kooky... A shattered sound coming from his mouth...

Taehyung slowly walks toward him... Some glass pieces wounded his leg...

Tae  careful... Yoongi shout...

Baby... Taehyung cup kooks face... What is bothering you... Just tell me...

You are with him...

Don't lie Jungkook... We know better than anyone, tell us what happens to you... Jimin asks...

I will die... Jungkook looks at Taehyung...
I will die hyung... I don't want this... I won't live with you... With all of you... I will die...

No... Tae kisses his eyes... Nothing is going to happen...

No, I will die... and you all forget me... I will be alone... Hyung I won't live with you... Please... Tae... I...

Kooky... Tae hugs him...

Yoongi walks out of the room... He walks to the loan...

Yoongi... Hobi stands behind him...

I need my son to be healthy and good... Can you do that for me? He looks at him...

I can... Hobi said but I don't know how... Yoongi immediately hug him and cried loudly like a madman...


Look here mr. Bunny... Two times... I face this situation two times...the Kim family are cursed with pregnancy...

You know what... First, I was thinking the same... I will die but I didn't... You know what? Because I love my child... Come here... Jin makes him stand in front of the mirror... Looks how beautiful you are... Chubby cheeks... Glowing skin... Red lips... Looking like a Teddy bear... And look at this... Jin touches his stomach... A small piece of you and our Tae... A child who is making us grandparents... A child going to make Taetae and Soobin, uncle and aunt... And finally you... A mother and Tae as a father...

How beautiful it is? Just love the child... Jin kisses his head... Every pain can ease with our baby... Because we are mothers... You know something... Your husband starts to love you more deeply after you become a mother of his child...

You never die. You will live here... With us... With baby... With Taehyung... Ok? Jin kisses him again...

I want to say sorry to Jiminy... Jungkook looks at him...

You should but go to your hubby... He is suffering so much.....


One or more chapters to the end...

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