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Kai covers his mouth... What the hell Jungkook? He shouts.

Jungkook looks at Tae... A fear shadow him... and his fear was right... The next second Taehyung catches Jungkook's collar and pins him to the wall...

Hyung... He calls in a small voice.

Kai wants to help him but he is scared as well and he notices a lot of people looking at them and no one came to help them...

Jungkook's security guard was about to help him... But their leader blocks him... It's Kim Taehyung...

Taehyung looked at him... I am behaving gently to you... That doesn't mean you can do anything to me... He said.

You touch me without permission. Jungkook said somehow.

That bastard was hugging you. Pinching you... You don't have any problem.

He is my friend... Unlike you he likes me... And I like him too.

You don't like me... Taehyung looked at him.

Jungkook bites his lips... No... You make me cry... You...

Enough... I will give you 12 hours to get out of my house and never come in front of me...

Taehyung walks away with that...

Kai rushed to him... Cuty are you ok? Why did you slap him? He is elder than you... 

But Jungkook didn't hear anything... His vision become blurred... He fell to the floor and start shivering...


Yoongi... I want to go home.


But with you...

No... I never come there.

Mom wants to meet you and kooky...

Please... Your family card never works on me anymore.

Yoongi... Please... She is ill...

Hoseok, please... I don't want any relationship with your family anymore...

Here for you... Hobi, give his phone to Yoongi.

Appa... Yoongi said with a shivering tone. Yes. Appa... I will come... Ok, Appa... He cut the call and look at Hoseok... I will come but for them. He said sternly.

Yes... We can go tomorrow... With bunny.

Yoongi thinks for a moment... Yes... He agreed.


You are keeping someone's dignity who is already dead.

She is my sister... My only sister.

So what? She was dead... Now you should take care of them who living.  Jin, Soobin know everything... He is not a child...

I know... That's why I am, I don't want him to feel ...

Again... Jin listen,  Taehyung is suffering so much...a mother is always a mother Jin no one can beat that position.

But how... I never take care of him... I never feed him, I never make him feel secure... I am, not a good mother.

Do you love him?

More than my life...

Then you should... Otherwise, it will create many problems. Joon pats his back... You should do this... For our children.


Jungkook slowly opens his eyes... How many hours are left for me...

7 hours... Tae said while looking at his watch.

He gets up from bed and hugs Taehyung... Say sorry.. then I will stay...

Taehyung hugs him back... You slap me in front of him... You should say sorry.

No... I don't say sorry... Never... Jungkook kissed Tae's cheeks where the slaps. Tae... If we get married... You should take me to the hospital from time to time... You will feel tired of me... I can't be a good partner for you... Never.

I don't care to be with me... Forever.

What if die soon? Jungkook asks.

Taehyung makes him sit on his lap... I don't care if you die today or tomorrow... Since your last breath, you will be mine.

Do you love me?


Then why did you ignore me...

You were going somewhere else... That's why... I can't see that... You don't have any idea how much I miss you...

Jungkook kiss his neck... Taehyung...

Tell me...

I am in love with you... Do you have the courage to take this double bunny into your life mr?

It's my pleasure bunny... I have courage.

I am very barbaric...

What's that?  Tae asks with a smile.

I don't know... But the word is good... Right?



love you...

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