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Jungkook said bye to yoongi by hugging him.

Be a good boy... Don't trouble him. Ok? I am sorry baby I can't take you with me. Yoongi cups his son's face.

Come on Papa... I am not sad... Stay safe and come soon... Love you... He kisses his head.

I will bunny... Yoongi looks at Jin...Jin nods his head...yoongi takes his leave making his bunny back for the first time. He never leaves his child's hand from the day he was born. Jungkook was a hyperactive kid since he was born. He was suffering from seizures when he was a child. But yoongi makes him a normal child with his love and support. Jungkook was very bad at studies but Yoongi make sure he got an education like everyone.

Once yoongi goes from his views Jungkook's face becomes pale. He never separates from his Papa. Jin is the only one who knows about kook's conditions. Yoongi and Jin are best friends since childhood. It's ok baby... Come let's go to our home... Soobin..was waiting for you. Come. Jin hugs the crying boy and walks to his car.

Soobin was in a happy-sad moment... First of all his best friend come to his home but at the same, his brother stays He can't enjoy the full set. Soobin invites Jimin to his home but he immediately rejects his offer because he fears Kim Taehyung ultimately.

Kooki... Soobin runs to him when Jin and Jungkook come to their home. Both of them hug each other and start to jump like crazy.

These two idiots... Jin smile at them and walks to the kitchen for making drinks.


It was 2 am in morning... Jungkook stared at the roof. He didn't sleep yet. He was thinking about his Papa... Where he is? Why he is? Jungkook slowly gets up from his seat and walks out of his room.

He was walking through the hall which was decorated beautifully. His doe eyes become wider while seeing that big mansion... His home was so small compared to this. He walks upstairs. He finds some family photos of Soobin and his family. He looks at that photo.

What's that? Jungkook frowned after seeing a green light from a particular room. He walks there and entered the room.

It was a fancy lamp which produced a yellowish-green light. That room was bigger than soobin's room. He finds a mini fridge in the corner of the room.

Jungkook carefully read the letters which were carved on the bottle " Sam Adams Utopias". What is this? He tries to open the bottle... But it was so tight.

He observes the room very seriously. Another house in the house... I want a room like this... He said.

The next second, something hardly landed on Jungkook's back. He fell to the floor.

Taehyung presses his boot on kookie's hand... Jungkook cried in pain...

Who are you? Tae look and asks.

Jungkook cried loudly... His hand was in pain as hell.

I ask... Who the hell are you? Taehyung shouted at him. He picks Kooky up from the floor and pins him to the wall. Who the fuck are you?

I am Jungkooki...Soobin's friend. He said somehow between his sobs.

What are you doing in my room?

I was passing then I saw a green light... Jungkook can't complete his words.

Taehyung put his down... Get out... He said to him... Jungkook looks at Tae's face... I said get out bitch.

Jungkook wipes his eyes and walks outside. He looks at his hand, it was bleeding. He can't bare the pain. Jungkook felt his head spinning. The next second he fall to the floor while shivering badly.

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