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I was searching this whole house for this bunny. Where were you from the morning? Namjoon sat beside his son-in-law...

I was very busy appa... I was decorating the whole house the welcome of our baby...

Then what are you doing here? Come they will be here now...

I will come... Yo, go...

What happens Jungkook? Namjoon looks at him.

Nothing papa... I am missing yooni and Hearty lips.

That's it? They will be here at night... If Hobi sees this... He will kill me... Come... Come... Let's get ready... Baby and Jin will be here now... Come...


Everyone was waiting at the door... Taehyung is the one who carries the baby to the house... Jungkook just hide behind the door and Joon noticed that...

Jungkook didn't give any gifts or wishes to the mother or child... He avoids them as he can... He was standing away from them...

Kooky... Tae walks to him... What are you doing here? Come let's give this gift to our baby together.

No... No... You do it alone... it's your sister... We are in a fight.


Me and my sister-in-law... Jungkook said.

What? Tae frown...

Yes... Go... Give her... Jungkook slowly escapes from the function.

Kooky... Jimin calls him...

Jiminy... Kooky hug him and cried loudly...

It's ok. Don't cry... We should tell this to hyung.

No... He is happy now... He starts to love his family... I don't want to spoil that... Please... You promised me...

Ya... Jimin just wipe his eyes and look at Soobin who standing in the corner.


So tell me... What's the matter?

We don't know...

Namjoon looks at both Jimin and Soobin.

Don't lie to me... Hobi will be here at night... He is not me... So just tell ... What is going on with Kooky...

Both best friends look at each other...

Last day... Three of us went to the hospital for seeing the baby... Grandma was there. She gives the baby to two of us but when Kooky tries to pick her up... She scolds him...

For what? Joon looks at them...

That... That...

Say... He shouts...

She said the baby became unlucky if Jungkook take her. Because...


He can't be a mother... So...

What the hell? How does she know all this? Jin doesn't say anything to her.

Papa was not there... He went to go see a doctor and that old monkey said, the baby becomes ill because kooky is ill and say him to stay away from her...

Namjoon grit his teeth.


Yes... I said... So what? That boy is unlucky...

Can you please just shut your mouth...

Why? That boy is ill and he can't give a child... So he is unlucky... You know my daughter was like him and she died at a young age...

Jungkook is not like your daughter... He is a gem of a person and I am warning you. Leave the home immediately...

Who are you to order us? The old lady looked at him... I will stay here... What you will do? Going to tell Taehyung... He is happy now... Do you want to spoil that? I don't like that boy and I will hurt him.
Because he deserves that... Useless... Bitch...

Namjoon... Stare at her... You never changed... It was you who make your daughter love me... It was you make my son away from our family... Now Jungkook...

Yes... It was me... What will you do?

But this time you choose the wrong person... Namjoon picks up his phone... Hobi... Where were you? Your Son... Jungkook wants to see you... Namjoon smirk at the old lady and goes out...

Do you think... I will be scared of him. I have a weapon to finish everything and I am going use that... She grits his teeth while thinking.....


Only five chapters left.

Wants preggy koo?

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