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Why do you do that? Taehyung stared at his bunny...

I don't... He put cutely...

Tae kisses those pouty lips... Tell me...

I don't tell you... It's our first vengeance...


We start a mafia group... Super boys... That old lady is our first work...

Tae looks at him and bursts into laughter... Why are you like this? He kisses him again and again... He never gets enough of his baby bunny...

Hubby... Jungkook hugs him... I'm sorry.

It's ok... Why don't you tell me she hurt you? Tae looks at him...

Sorry... Sorry... Sorry... Jungkook pecks his cheeks for each sorry... Love you hyungi...

Love you too kooky... Tae places him on the bed...

Hyungi... I need kissy... He pouts kiss lips... For a kiss... Tae just stare at him.... hyungi... Jungkook makes a grabby hand to him...

Taehyung hovers over him and catches that lips between his teeth... A kiss with a lot of love and lust... Jungkook... Catch his husband's hair for a grip...

Tae slowly moves to his neck... He bites the collarbone...

Ouch...Taehyung... Bunny bite his hubby's nose... Tae was enjoying every pain that his husband giving him... Because he wiped for him... Tae drags his lips and hands all inches of his baby bunny... Jungkook fist both of their hands and curl his toe. When he feels his husband in him... Tae slowly moves... Very slowly... He doesn't want to hurt him but the bunny was so naughty...

He purposely moans and pants heavily... He bites his lips and looks at his hubby... Faster Dady... Make it faster...

Tae looks at him... Where did you get this?

I saw it on my laptop...

You are getting out of my hand bunny... Tae kisses him hard on his lips...

Tae... Jungkook calls in a sexy way and moves his thighs... And that's enough for Taehyung to get mad...

Taehyung makes him sleep after their lovemaking... Tae secures him with a duvet after placing a lovely kiss, and Taehyung goes out.


Tae stands in front of Jin's room... He was folding the baby's dress...

Tae... Come inside... Jin calls him... Your sister needs 10 dresses in a day... I'm fed up with her... Jin said... I don't know how to take care of children. He laughs...

Tae look at the baby who was sleeping in her cradle... He touches her face... Do you never take care of children?

Yes... Only one child... Jain... He said...

You love her more than me... He looks at her.

No... My son loves her more than I... Jin sits on the bed... Tae sat beside him... I was happy and sad... But then I got my Soobinah...

Did he know, that he is not your...

He knows... And he taking advantage of that... If we scold him he is like... I don't have mom and Dad that's why... Jin laugh... Your kooky gives this idea to him... Emotional blackmail...

Tae smiled... Suddenly the baby cried...

There she is again... Taetae... Don't cry... Jin took her and sat back... Don't cry... He pampers her... Come here...Jin opens another hand... Tae immediately hugs him...

Papa is sorry baby... I was selfish... Selfish for my sister... Jin hugs both of his children...

Me to... Me to... Soobin also joins them from somewhere...

I feel complete now... Jin said with a beautiful smile...


Yoongi... Just hear... You just be here... You can live here with bunny and us.

Joon. I told you... I can't... I want to go back. Jungkook doesn't need my protection anymore... If I am with him he will be lazy again...

No... Yoongi... He has only a dream... A family... With his father and mother...

I know but...

Yoongi, please... Jin looked at him...

I need to think...

What? Just say yes... Hobi shouted...

Ask him to get out... Yoongi said Joon...

Please don't fight again... Taehyung pleads with them...

Ok... Ok... Yoongi leans to the couch...

Hyungi..... Everyone turned to that cry...

Baby... Tae walks towards...

Where did you go... I got scared...

Sorry... Come here... Jungkook jumped on his husband... Tae settled in touch with him... Kooky again starts to sleep in his husband's embrace...

Yoongi lovingly pats his son's head... I will stay here... He said.

Yes... That... Hobi was about something but Jin stuff a cloth in his mouth for making him silent... Otherwise another fight...

Taehyung covers his bunny's neck from others because of that hickeys...

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