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Boss... Can you explain what you are planning? As your secretary, I can act on that... Lisa asks Tae very serious...

Don't you have any Job?

This is also a part of my Job. To know about your things.  At the party, you said to mr. Park about marriage.

Yes... I talk about marriage but I never told who I am going to marry.

Tae... Jungkook is a poor boy who suffers a lot physically and mentally...

I know Lisa... I was doing all that things for a sign but I fall for him... I try to avoid him but I can't... I can't without him... He was my happy pill... I spent a lot of time with him like you said a 26-year-old businessman revolves around an 18-year-old schoolboy. Cause I was happy with him... I was safe with him... I find comfort in him... You can't imagine how much I miss him. He smiles at her, a genuine smile...

But you should go to him directly...

No... I don't want he should know that I was in love with him... He eats my ear and sits in my head... That bunny is so a brat..... I want it's like an arranged marriage... I don't want him to know that I am mad at him...

Ego? For losing in front of a bunny boy...

Ya... Maybe yes... He smiles again... Taehyung took the letter that he got from the bunny...


Suicide?... Hobi frowned....is he a kid?

Kids never blackmail like that... Joon said.

Jungkook was stubborn in his decision. I can't compel him for anything.

I know Hobi... But you speak with him once more... Please Hoba for me... I don't want Tae to do some foolishness...

Come on Joon... Tae never does something like that... Don't worry.

No... Hoba... Do you remember eight years before... I don't want to take any risks... Please... Hoba...

Don't worry Joon... I will talk with kook...

Hobi cut his call and look at Yoongi... They were in a park... Bunny was playing with some kids...

What does he say?  Yoongi looks at him.

When Jin becomes carrying, Tae said he will die if another child comes into his home and he tries to kill himself on the day Soobin was born. He was so fragile inside Yoongi... I know Tae very well... Maybe he finds a safe place in our kooky...

Yoongi sighed... Kooki's decision is final.


So he wants to marry kooky. Jin looked at him.

Yes, he... What the hell? Joon made a disgusted face... Jin was wearing only an apron and pants...

What?  Jin looks at him...

What are you wearing?

It's good right... I am is so comfortable... He lay on the bed...

Apron? Joon looks at him. Are you lost yourself?

No... But I am feeling to do crazy things like this..... Goodnight off the lights...

Good night! It's only 11 am.

So what? He covers himself using a duvet.

Crazy... Namjoon gets out of the room. How do children do better when the mother is like this... My fate... Oh...next one...

Soobin was fishing from the aquarium using a hook..... He smiles at his father.

This is the best family for that bunny... Namjoon murmurs and walks outside.


Dear hyung

I know you are avoiding me deliberately. But mark my words mr. Kim Taehyung... You are going to come to my behind and beg for me...


I am in love with you...... Deeply... Love you hyungi...

Jeon  Jungkook...

With a smile, Taehyung took a pen and draw a line on the name... Jeon Jungkook and write instead....

Kim Jungkook.....

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