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Hello, I am jungkooki...who are you?

Ian Nancy...she smiles and pats his cheeks.

Bunny was hopping on his hubby's office. Tae makes him sleep before he goes to the conference. And Lisa was taking care of him but Lis was sleeping now...the bunny was roaming around the building.

Who's room is this?

This Is J's room.

Who is J?

Jung Hoseok.

Can I go in?

No...no...no one dares to enter this room without permission.

But I can cause he is mine...jungkook open the door and entered. That room was so big and luxurious. Jungkook got amazed by seeing his photos on the wall...

Small me...he touches a photo, big me...crying me...laughing me..me in the park...my hearty lips love me very much.

He opens a table...what is this? a gun original or duplicate...hmmm...he took the gun.


Boss an employee opens the door with Panic.

What? Tae looks at him.

That boy...he said.

Jungkook was chasing everyone with a gun... Stop there I will shoot you...he shout. Bunny was enjoying the chaos. An old lady jumped on a security guard and both of them fell...bunny laughed loudly.

Lisa was packing her things...Tae will fire her for sure. It was her responsibility.

A security guard runs to him with his stick...boy...put that gun down... otherwise... He shows his stick...

What's your name uncle? I am Jeon Jungkook. He smiles.

So what? Put that gun down? He glare.

Son of Jung Hoseok...he smiles again.

Security gulped...am sorry but please..

Jungkook...Tae comes to him...

Hyung look this Gun looks cute.

Come with me...Tae holds his hand and walks to the cabin.

Taehyung looks at his whole company... Some employees are injured...a security guard broke his hand... An old man got a heart attack...five or six computers are broken...one of the employees jump out of the window luckily he fell on the pool but he has injuries as well. Nj's corp become nothing but a battleground in minutes...loss of 30 million cores...Tae slapped himself.

Lisa was crying in a corner...and the bunny was taking her pictures.

General Manager look at Tae...boss?

What? Tae shout.

Police were asking whether it was a terrorist attack or something.

Terrorists are poor compared to him... Tae said.

Appa...Tae and others get up when Joon and Hobi enter the room.

Jungkook hides behind Lisa...she starts to shiver.

I am sorry...Tae hung head his down...

Come here...Namjoon calls the bunny... Why do you do this?

I don't do anything Mr Kim...he is the one who stores guns in his office and I took this one... it looks so cute...I was about to show this to others but they run away and I run behind them. I don't do anything...bunny pout.

Tae go to the airport with him...we will take care of this.

Bunny let's go...Tae walks out with him.

Announce the company closed for two days... Joon looks at the manager.

Yes, boss...

What are you doing here? Don't cry...go home and take a rest.

Lisa nods her head and goes out.

And you Mr, Joon point his finger at Hobi...take care of all of this and pay the bill...

I will...he sighed...


Hubby where we are going? Why are you silent? Tae...hyung...speak something...

Can you please shut your mouth? Tae shouts at him...

He pouts sadly and looks outside.

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