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Where was mr? Missing for three days. Taehyung asks kook once they meet in a park.

Jungkook didn't say anything he was making a flower crown.

Hello, I am talking to you... Kook... Bunny... Jungkook... Mr Enemy... Tae looks at him.

Can you please leave me alone... I am is so busy... Don't disturb me.

Am I disturbing you?

Yes... You are... Jungkook was very serious.

Tae gritted his teeth but he need to pamper this boy so he sat beside him... What happens?

Nothing... Jungkook still looking at his flowers...

Tae catches his face and makes him look at him... Jungkooki... He smiles at him, a fake smile.

Don't touch me... Jungkook glared at him.

The very next moment... Taehyung put his hand on the other's waist and pull towards him... I will touch you... What will do...

Jungkook got out of his breath... he was so close to him... Their face was from a distance of one inch.

Leave me... Jungkook wiggled from his grip...

First, answer my questions... Where were you?

I go to see one of my friends in the village... He lied.

Oh... What happens to you?

Nothing... Leave me... Jungkook looks at him.

No... Tell first... What... But Tae got a call... Wait... He picks up his phone and starts to speak.

Jungkook slowly looks at him... His neck... Chin... lips... Nose... Eyes... Sweaty forehead... Hair... He inhales Tae's miled apple cherry fragrance... He felt shy because of their closeness... Something a new emotion started to explore in him...

So... Yeah... Tell me. What happens to you?

Nothing... I just quarrel with my papa. That's why... Leave me... Please... Tae.

What? Tae... I am 6 years older than you... Call me hyung...

Hyung... Hyung... He said.

Good boy... Tae leaves him...

Jungkook gets up and picks his things... I am going...

I will drop you off... Tae said.

No... I will go myself... I

But Taehyung put his hand on his shoulder... I will drop your bunny... Come... Two of them walk towards the car.


Tae stops his car in front of Jimin's house. Your two best friends are crying like monkeys because you avoiding them.

Me? Jungkook frown.

Yes... You. But I said my bunny is not like that... He never avoided anyone....go and see them...

I will... He gets out of the car... He was completely avoiding his friends and Taehyung...

Jimin and Soobin blame Taehyung for that... So Taehyung promised to bring Jungkook to them...

Jungkook looks at the entrance...his two best friends are running to him... And hug him...

Kooki... Sorry... Sorry... Please don't hate us... Please... We can't live without you... Soobin and Jimin cry while hugging him..... Jungkook felt sad... He hugs them back... It's ok... Me to sorry...

Come they go inside but Jimin runs back to Taehyung... Thank you hyung...

Anything for you mochi... Tae caresses his cheeks with a genuine smile... Bye... Taehyung takes his leave from there.


Hobi plays the video again and again... He looks at his trusted men. Taehyung and kooky... What is their relationship?

I don't know boss. But they seem to be very close...

Very close... Hobi repeats after him. Where is Joon?


Let's meet him... Hobi walks to Joon's room with a mobile, the guard shoots the video of Jungkook and Taehyung in the park.

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