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Jungkook is autistic Tae... I don't know whether you have a normal life with him...everything is extreme for him... If it's sad, happy, angry, naughty... Everything. I want my child to lead a good life but I don't want your life to be spoiled... Let me tell you openly... He can't get pregnant... He doesn't know anything about sex... He needs to use medicine for his whole life...

Yoongi's words echo in his ear again and again... He never thought this must be this much serious...

Hyung... What are you thinking about?  Honeymoon? Did you buy honey? Where do we get the moon? Jungkasks ask him.

Sleep... Tae said to him.

Why? I am not sleepy... We can talk. You know I have a friend in...

Jungkook, please... Go and sleep...I am so tired.

Oki... Jungkook goes behind him and starts to massage his head... Relax hyung... Just sleep. Can I sing a song for you?

Come here... Tae catches his hand and makes him sit on his lap. Jungkook lay on his chest...

Bunny... Who loves you most?

My yoongi...


Jiminy Soobinah...


Heraty lips...

What about me? Tas ask him.

Hmm... I don't know... When I came to your home first I was crying every day because I miss yoongi... No one can replace him but now...


Still, I miss him but I don't feel too cry...you make me feel happy and secure.

Tae kisses his forehead... Promise you always be mine... Never go anywhere...

What happens hyung? Don't worry I always stay with you like this...


Tell me...

I am in love with you... Madly...

It's ok... Hyung we can consult a good Physiatrist.

For what?

You just say you are mad...

You... Tae starts to tickle him...

No... No. You can't do this... Stop... It... Statue... Statue... Oh... Hyung, please...

But Tae continues his tickle for hearing that pearl-like laughter...


My son...why he is like this?

Like what? He is perfect... Joon looks away.

You can tell that... But it was someone else he must be in Jail... Right?

Hobi... He is like a child...

He is 19 years old. Not a child anymore... You know  Joon... I was burning inside... What if Tae felt he is nothing but a burden... Who will care for him if something happens to me or Yoongi?

Hoba. Please... Don't... Maybe Kook is not like others but I am sure Tae loves him...

I know...but... I Used to call my son Dump...

That's why Yoongi trains him... to show you that he is not a dump... Otherwise, he remains a special child... You know everything, then why are you getting upset... Leave that... Let's see how they are lives...

But my son...

Hobi soaked with orange juice... Are you mad?  He is kind and sympathetic, he loves everyone... I am his teacher and am telling you he is good... What is perfect for you... To sit in a chair and rule the company like Taehyung...no... Everyone is perfect in their way... Jin gets up from his seat and walks to the door... and one more thing... Your room was the most secure in the NJ building but he open that door within seconds... and your shelf too... He is more than intelligent.

He is right... How did he open it... Joon looks at Hobi... Even I can't enter without permission.

You are right... I don't even get alarmed too... Hobi frown...

Namjoon looks at him with a smirk on his face...


This place is so cute hyungi... Jungkook kiss his husband's cheeks... I love you... You are the best hubby... They were in North Island- Seychelles... Beach is looking so beautiful...

Tae hugs him from behind and kisses his neck...

No... I will become pregnant... Let me bathe... Jungkook runs and Jumps in the pool...

Careful... Tae said with a smile...

Hyung come let us bathe together.

No... I can't take risks... I will do something...

What? Jungkook splashes some water.

I will order something... Tae walks to the room.

What risk? Jungkook thinks... a chance for tsunami?... No... Is Pirana in the pool? No... Then what? Earth quick... Ya bunny was so serious... Let me ask him...

Thank you... Tae said to the room service.

Have a good stay, sir... She smiles beautifully and goes out...

Hyung... What's the risk that you're talking about?

Tae turns to him... O h m y G o d... Tae gulped... Bunny was looking all hot in his wet white shirt and shots... Tae eats him with his eyes...

Am I taking any risk? Bunny ask to himself...

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