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The whole Kim family gathered around for the breakfast with jeon and the park. Namjoon makes Taehyung to apologize Jungkook. So Jungkook sit like a king and Taehyung was burned in anger but he performed well in front of his father.

Tae glared at Jungkook... Jungkook shows his bunny teeth to him... Disgusting... Tae grit his teeth. Maids serve everyone. Taehyung look at everyone all is busy eating... He looks at the person he wants to see.

Tae's eyes stop on the plump lips which were chewing food. Beautiful. .... He thought. For a moment Jimin looked at him suddenly he looks at his plate. Park Jimin is the one who Taehyung loves. Mr Park was Tae's advocate... That's how he met Jimin... He likes him very much.

Yoongi will be here tomorrow... Jin said.

Ya... Papa calls me... Jungkook chirped with a mouth full of food.

Keep your manners on the table mr. Tae said with a disgusted face.

Tae... Namjoon calls him in a warning tone.


So you betrayed me for two packets of biscuits... Tae glared at his dog. Tae was watching CCTV visuals... Jungkook was feeding his dog biscuits. The dog looks away from him. Maybe he felt guilt cause fell into the trap of a bunny.

Call that Park to my room... He order to his made.

Taehyung sits on the couch like a king with a beer bottle.

Sit... He said to Jimin... Jimin sat in front like a deer trapped in front of a tiger.

So both of you are friends... He looks at him.

Ye... Yes... Jimin said in a small voice.

Who is he?

Our director's son... Min... Min yoongi's son.

Why he is living here?

Mr Min went somewhere..... So...

Does he have any other relatives?


His father?

I don't know...


Think so...

What is that bunny's name?


Hmmm? Tae hummed.

Jeon Jungkook...

Tae gets up from his seat and walks toward Jimin and make Jimin in between his hands...

Jimin is scared to his death... He looks at him with terrified eyes and shivering lips.

Do you scared of me?

Jimin nod hid as yes and said no... He was about cry...

Don't close with that filthy bunny...

He is my best friend... Since childhood. Jimin said to him.

Go... Tae relieves him... Jimin runs out of the room immediately.


So he enquires about me... Jungkook looks at him.


He is planning something... Jungkook said.

Kooky... Just stop everything here... He do something to you and you took your revenge... Let's end this war here. Jimin looks at him.

I don't do anything to him... But if he does something to me I will react... Jungkook said.

He will do something against you for sure... He doesn't like someone insulting him... and most importantly Appa scolds him for you... So he will do something big against you... Soobin said with tension.

Then I will become the bunny and I will kill him... He poses like a kungfu panda...shuu...huuu...haa...he growled.

Jimin and soobin look at each other... Bunny or tiger one will die for sure... Jimin said with a sigh.


You said you love my son and you want to marry him... That's why I am helping you. Mr Park looks at Taehyung.

I still love him.

But he doesn't... For him, you are nothing but a criminal.

I don't care mr. I will get what I want. First, you do what I am saying to you.

I will... But I can't speak with Namjoon... I was scared of him... About Hoseok... I don't have the courage to go in front of him. I am the legal adviser of your company but I will just obey what they said to me.

So... You are nothing but a waste. Taehyung looked at him.

Mr Park smiled at him. Only two months left before they will announce the next CEO. Soobin is a child for that... Hoseok is unmarried so you are the only one...


No... It's me Jeon double Bunny Jungkook the strongest... It's only me...

No... Every time you will start a game this time it's me... Soobin holds his hand...

Leave me. Mr Potato... I will bite you... Kooki glared at him.

Shut up both of you... I will start... Jimin took the cards and start to shuffle. Let's play the game...

Ok. Both of them sit with him.

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