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Tae where are you?

On the way baby...

Buy me something...

What do you want?

Your favourite fruit...

It's you, bunny.

Tae... Jungkook became a tomato out of shyness... Come fast... He cut the call.

I am feeling single... Soobin wipes his fake tear.  Let's play... He put carrom in his box...

It's my turn... Jungkook glared at him.

No, it was mine...

Soobin,  don't make me angry...

Same here... Don't make me angry Mrs Taehyung.

Don't make me angry... Jin throws a pillow at them. Both of you look like muddy pigs... Go and take a bath... He shouts...

Just one game Papa... Jungkook smiled at him...

Kooki... It's 8 pm... Tae and Joon will be here now... Go and freshen up... Morning to evening nothing but playing... Two of you smell like soil...Go... He shouts again...

Ya... Both of them go to their respective rooms...

When there is the clicking sound of the door, Jungkook runs to the door from the balcony...

Hubby... He jumps on Tae... I missed you...

Me too baby... Tae walk to the bed with him...

Do you buy it?


I told you...

What? Tae places him on the bed...

Hubby... Jungkook pouts...

Check my bag...

Yeah... Strawberry... Strawberry is your favourite fruit... He looks at him while taking the fruit.

Clean it. Kooky... Tae scolds him and walks to the bathroom...

Ya. Papa... I am fine but I am missing you... Ya. Papa today me and Jin papa goes for hospital... I saw the baby... She is so small... Yes, papa, it's a girl. I even named her... Ivan... Kim Ivan... Everyone likes the name... But I am missing you... He is taking bath... Just come from the office...

Jungkook was on the phone with his papa... Tae slowly climbs on the bed and kisses his bunny's neck... But unfortunately, instead of a romantic moment, Tae got a kick from his baby husband... No one can come between papa and kooky...

Tae lay beside his bunny and stare at him... Who was speaking about his day... Jungkook leans to his chest.

Papa... Hyung buy me strawberries... No, We don't eat dinner yet... When your classes are starting... He is here... Kooki gives the phone to Tae...

Hello papa. Good evening... Ya just come... How are you? .....


Jin eats something else too... Joon look at him with a disgusted face.

No... I am on a diet.

Diet... You eat a cake and two packets of ice cream and 10 or 15 strawberries too... Is it called dait... Soobin asks.

His pregnancy hormones are filled with strawberries... Joon said.

Tae just looks at them and focuses on his plate...

Kooky. Eat ... What are you thinking? Jin looked at him.

He just shrugs his shoulder... When we are at home... Papa and I make food together... He said...

Kooky... It's ok... Just eat now... Joon pats his head...

Here eat... Tae starts to feed him...

Mr Hitler got changed after marrying double bunny... It's good... Soobin said to himself.


Hyjoousonengogkkiook... That was his password...

How do you find it?

Once I saw his phone password... It was yoonkook...

It was Yoongi and Kook but the company passwords are just some random letters...Namjoon frown...

It's not random letters Dad... It is Hoseok, Yoongi, Jungkook... Like HYJ... First letters of our name... oou... Second letters of our name like that... Hearty lips do everything associated with us... You know his favourite car's number is my birthday... Jungkook smiled at him.

He loves you very much... Namjoon pats his head.

Dad. Are they are divorced?

No... They are not. They are still husband and wife...

Really? Jungkook asks... He existed.


So can I call him Appa... He looks at Namjoon...

Of course, you can... Only you can... He will be happy... Come. Both of them walk out of Joon's office room...

Kooky... I have a gift for you...

Give me... Jungkook said happily.

Not now... I will give you tomorrow.

Ok. Dad... Goodnight...

Good night my son... Namjoon smile beautifully...


Hyungi... I'm sleepy...

Just a second... Tae shows his one finger.

No... It's 11,  Taehyung... Come here...

Please... Just...

He walks to Taehyung and sits on his lap...I will sit here until you came.

After an hour Jungkook fell asleep in Tae's lap and while Tae was in busy in his office work.

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