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He is doing good... But continue the medicine ... Remember proper food and medicine on time... That will control this... Doctor smile...

Thank you, doctor... Tae handshake with the number one neurologist in the country...

Come... Both Tae and kook walk out of the cabin... Baby wait here let me buy medicine... Tae walks to the counter...

It... 8000..sir...medicine for one month.

Thanks... Online payment?

Yes. Sir. Here...

Kook let's go... Kooky. Baby come... Both of them walk out... What happens? Looking so sad... Can you hear what the doctor said, my kooky is doing good... Tae hugs him...

Your mother has the same medical condition right?... He looks at his husband.

Who told you?

Yes or no Taehyung.

Yes... She was... Tae said with a smile...

Jungkook stops in the middle and looks at him... Love you husband... Thank you...

Tae kisses his forehead... I should thank your hearty lips and papa for making this wonderful thing for me... He smiles.


Congratulations guys... Welcome to Nj group... Namjoon welcomes their new employees...

Hobi.This is Jimin son of mr. Park.

I know... Hi Jimin...

Hello sir...

Jimin and Soobin also join the company for an internship with some other students.

Joon... The post of your assistant is empty

Oh. I forget let me introduce my assistant... He calls someone.

Gentleman... Kim Jungkook... Joining here as my assistant...

What? Managers look at each other... He wants to close the company forever...

Even Tae and Hobi Look at each other with frowns.

But Jimin and Soobin start to clap their hands with Lisa...

Lisa... Take them... Namjoon looks at her...

Yes. Sir... Please... Everyone goes out...

Boss... Are you sure you want to make him your assistant... Mr Park looks at him.

Yes... Sen present...

But Boss... Last time he... But Tahyung stops in half...

Hobi was silent...

I need assistants too ... Mr Park said... You don't how dangerous it is... That three idiot friends are in there the same place... That means this going to be a war field... Let me say my son and your sons are so dangerous...

I will take care of my son-in-law...  I don't know about others...

Jimin is my responsibility... He is working with me anyways... Hobi said

Don't send Kim Soobin to my department ... Tae gets up from his seat.

He is not a mere worker, ... His son, your brother... Don't forget that... Mr Park said...

No son no brother in the office mr. Park...

I am so happy... Again three of us together... Soobin chirps...

Yes... Let's hug me... Three of them hug each other...

Excuse me... Boss is calling for you...

guys we can meet... Jungkook runs to Joon's room...

But someone holds his hand and pulls him into a room...

What the hell? You...

Without telling anything... Taehyung started to kiss his neck...

Hyung... Stop... What are you doing? Someone will see us... Hyung its office...

Why the hell do you hug them Kim Jungkook... Tae glared at him.

Hyung they are my friends...

No friends in the office... Everyone is an employee here...

Then what about me... I am also an employee here and your miss behaving with me Mr Kim... Jungkook smirked at him.

I will... What will you do? Tae again kisses his lips. Go and complain... He squeezes his waist while kissing him hard.



Come to my room... Taehyung.

Boss... Tae knocks on Joon's door.

Come in... He was so serious.

What's the matter?

Do you misbehave with my assistant Mr Taehyung?

Dad... He frowns... You... Tae look at Jungkook who hides behind Namjoon.

Am I asking you something? Do you touch him inappropriate...

Dad... He is my...

No Dad... No husband... Everyone is an employee here... And office molestation is a big offence... Don't do that again... Now ia sparing you just my assistant said so... You can go...

You rock it, Dad... You...

Again. Mr Jungkook no Dad. No husband. No relationship... Go and do what is said to you...


Go... He said more like an order...

Jungkook goes to his dusk with a pout...


Yes... Sure... Three friends are making friends with others...

I'm Jay... A boy shakes hands with Jungkook...

After a while, everyone departed... It's very nice to meet you Jungkook... The boy Jay hugs him tight... Bye, see you tomorrow...

Once Jay goes... Jungkook look at the car which was waiting for him... and the owner of the car looks like the hottest iron out of anger...

Jimin... Kooki is going to die... Soobin whispers...

I think so... Jimin looks at them...


Get in... It's getting late... Taehyung said seriously...

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