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No... Never I don't marry him... He scolds me... Kai hyung, Jiminy, Soobinah, kevi... Am I looking beautiful? That stupid scold me. He is jealous of me... Jungkook pout.

For of them look at the boy top to bottom... A rose bunny band on the head, a yellow t-shirt... Green pants and a blue coat... Looking like a rainbow...

Jungkook but... It's your marriage today... So you should wear something.

This is good hyung... I designed it myself. I won't marry him... He scold me...he again said.

Jimin walks to Taehyung...hyung...

Yes. Jimena.... any problem?

Did you scold him?

Yes... He said he look like a slut but he doesn't know the meaning of that word... and his dress... What the hell is that?

He is angry hyung... He was saying he doesn't want marriage.

Taehyung sighed... Let me deal with this...

No... Don't ... I hate you... You scold me... Jungkook throws a pillow at him.

Guys... Please wait outside... Taehyung looked at them.

Yes. Of course... Kooki walks outside... But Tae catches his hand... Not you... I ask them.

No... Leave... You call me an idiot... He wiggles from that grip... Hai... Ask hearty lips to come here... This stupid is molesting me. He shouts to his friends.

Again ... What is molesting?  Tae asks.

I don't know... But it's a bad thing... He flips his hair.

Kooky... We are getting married today.

I don't care... You scold me...

slut is a bad word Jungkook. Tae said with irritation.

Baby... Taehyung hugs him... Change this dress... You look awful.

No am beautiful... I will wear this... I know you don't love me...

Look here... Tae kisses his forehead... He removes Jungkook's coat... Then start unbuttoning his shirt...

What are you doing hyung? Someone will see us... Leave me.

Wear this... Tae gives him a black suit...


Taehyung pecks his lips... There he lost. The bunny becomes a red tomato...

I will... Jungkook said with a shy.

Am I looking hideous? He asks Tae...

This stupid... Don't use the word that you don't know. Jeon Jungkook...

I don't want to marry you... Bunny starts pouting again.


Now I am pronouncing you husband and wife...

Jungkook throws some flowers at the priest... Am I looking like a girl to you...

Its husband and husband say...

Ya. Now I am pronouncing husband and husband... You can kiss your bride... No. No, your groom... The priest said with nervousness.

Like Father like son... Yoongi murmur.

What? Hoseok pinches his waist... If he is bad, He is my son otherwise yours...

Taehyung's bad days start here... Jin wipes his eyes...

Poor hyung... He is in a trap... Soobin said to Jimin.

Hyungi... They are looking at us... Kooki pout...

So what? Let me kiss you...

No, I will kiss you... I am at the top... Jungkook said.

Come again? Tae frown.

I am the top hyung... You are bottom. Let me kiss you...

Jungkook you...

Please... It's part of the marriage... Please kiss him... I have a lot of other jobs to do. Priest pleads.

Shut up... Let us decide who is top and who is bottom... Hyung look...

But Taehyung presses his lips into another one.  He wants to switch off this double bunny... He took a good minute for kissing... He slowly took his lips back.


Baby... Jungkook calls him... Come to me.

Taehyung looked at him... What?

It's our first night... Are you shy baby? Jungkook winked at him.

Oh... Can you say me what we usually do on first-night hubby? Tae asks with a smirk.

I will kiss you. On your lips and neck then cover with duvet then we sleep hugging each other. Then you become pregnant...

Pregnant? Me? Taehyung smiled at him.

Yes, you... Don't worry I will take care of you.

But how do I get pregnant?

People become pregnant when they kiss on necks... Don't you see movies?

Taehyung bursts into laughter... Bunny... I can't.

What? He looks at him pout... I need a divorce.

New chant... I need a divorce... Taehyung walks toward him... He kisses his forehead... Go and freshen up... First... My bunny looking so tired... let's sleep... Tomorrow we are flying for our honeymoon... Ok? He carries him to the room.

Tae stared at his bunny husband who was sleeping on his chest... I am is sorry for everything baby... For the past and present and future... He again kisses his head... Mine.

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