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Tae looks at Lisa who is sleeping on her table. He shakes her from his sleep.

Your not getting a salary for sleeping, miss... Tae said bit angry.

It's 3 am mr... Normally human beings will sleep except you... She looks at him.

Come I will drop you...

Ya... She gets up and walks to Tae's room.

He catches her hand... Come with me... She was walking in half asleep.

Tae looks at his mobile... His Appa's message...

Come home.

Nowadays he never wants to go home. After he gets to know about Jin's pregnancy ... He never goes home. But today his Dad call him... He drives his car towards his home. Taehyung checks the time he reaches at home 4:15...he walks to the room... He just frowns by seeing the door was open... Who the hell? He walks into his room... But he instantly stops while recognising Person Taehyung leans toward the wall by staring at the bunny who was sleeping on his couch...

Dreaming? He thought for a second... Tae walks to him and sat beside him... He stares at his face... My bunny... He whispers... A happy and sad feeling surrounded him... Jungkook was sleeping in a sitting position..Maybe he fell asleep while waiting for Tae...Tae softly touches his cheeks. Bunny...Tae calls him...Baby...

No...Don't kill my cockroaches... We are great friends... Thank you... Jungkook shouted and again fell asleep...

This crack head... Tae smile... But Jungkook's mobile rings... Tae was about to cut that call but the name was saved on that... My kai h.....

Tae picks up the call...

Hai cutesy bunny... I am missing you very much...please come back... Feeling alone cutyy...

Taehyung frown and looks at Jungkook... Who is this? He asked.

Who are you? Where is cuty... I mean Jungkook.

He is sleeping... May I know who are you for him?

My name is Kai... His friend... May I know who are you?

I am Taehyung... His... Tae looks at Jungkook.... his soon-to-be Husband... Tae said confidently...

What? Give the phone to him...

Sorry... He is sleeping in my room...

Who is on the phone? Jungkook asks...

Bunny... When you come? I miss you so much... Tae looks at him.

Jungkook looks at him... Who are you?

Bunny... Tae caresses his cheeks... Baby i...

Don't touch me... Give my phone..oh Kai... My goodness... He immediately calls back... Hello... I'm sorry... Hyung... I fell asleep somewhere... Jungkook gets up from his seat and walks out of the room. Listen to you... Listen... I don't know who... I'm sorry.....

Taehyung stared at him... Kai... He grits his teeth.... and throws his phone to the floor. No... Tae maybe his friend... Don't think negative... Jungkook is yours only... He said to himself.....

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