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He is ok now, but make sure he takes his medicines at the time.

Yes, doctor... I will... But please don't inform Yoongi.

No... But be careful Jungkook is not cured well.

Yes... Thank you. Jin said to the doctor.

Jin finds Jungkook on the carpet only in the morning when one of his made informs him. Kook was unconscious. He informs Jungkook's doctor immediately. Jin walks to Jungkook's room.

Jin sat next to him. He removes hair from his face... He looks so pale. Jin took his hand... It was bandaid. The hand was bruised badly. There are some bruises on his back too.

Jin takes a deep breath. Sit with him. He walks out with immense anger.

Kim Taehyung... Jin calls him loudly. He sounds so angry.

Why do you do that to him?

Tae looks at him. What?

Why did you beat him?


Taehyung doesn't make me angry.

Mr Kim. I am doing my Job in my room and you are the one who makes me angry now.

Jin glared at him... You always behave rudely to my son but I never ask you anything about that but don't touch that boy...

What will you do? I will touch him... I will beat him... Maybe I will fuck him... What the hell will you do mr. Kim? Taehyung looks at him.

Keep your filthy mouth shut up... Jin fist his hand in anger.

Don't order me mr. Killer. Who is that bitch? Your illegal son. Do you have any other relationships?

Papa... Soobin calls him, Kooki was asking for you. Come he pulls Jin with him... Jin walks with him.

Taehyung smirked at Jin's angry face.


Why did you beat him? Hoseok looks at Tae.

I thought someone barged into my room.

Who is he?

I don't know... They say a name... Coky
Something like that.

Leave it... Namjoon calls me yesterday... He buys that land.

Oh... That's great news. When does he come back?

Its depends...

Fuck... I need to stay at home until he came.

It's your home Taehyung.

My home! A killer living with his child. He kills my mother for my father. Tae grits his teeth.

Leave it... I want to show you something... Yesterday our engineer submit the new plan. Come let me show you. Hoseok change the matter soon.


Jungkook looks at his hand. How can I?

Kooki... You should. We have a car here.

But it's paining mr. Kim... I don't want to go to school. He pouts.

Kooki... Jin sat next to him. Please listen and hear. I can't leave you alone here. You know Tae is aggressive. You don't need to attend any class just come with us and you can sit in my cabin.

Jungkook looks at him... Promise.

God promise... Jin said.

Ok then. Let's go.

Jin wants to go to school. But he can't make Jungkook or soobin alone at their home. Because of Taehyung. He will hurt them.
Especially Namjoon was not at home, he went on a business tour out of the country.

Jin felt angry himself... It's his home but like a coward, he was escaping from there with his son.

Let's go... He helps Jungkook to walk. He was not fully recovered. But Jin doesn't have any other way.

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