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Papa. Please say something... Please open your eyes... Soobin continually call Jin who was unconscious... Tae was driving... He drives as fast as possible...

Papa. Please I never do anything naughty... Please say something... Please open your eyes... Papa... I don't talk to you... Open your eyes... Papa... Pa... His sounds are cut by the cry... The maids try to console him...

Quick... to the theatre. Mr Kim Taehuyng we need your sign... The doctor calls him to the room...

Mr Kim... Take a decision... Baby or mother.

What? Tae looks at him... What are you talking about?

Bleeding in early pregnancy is very common but he is very weak to carry the child... So we need to take the baby out as soon...  This is just formality... If something happens to the baby or the mother...

No... Tae looks at him in horror...

Doctor... Mr Jin was conscious now. He demands to see Mr Taehuyng...

Great... It's a good sign that wakes and speaks. Come...

Jin was looking like a ghost... He is pale like anything...

Tae... Come here... He shows his hand... Tae... If the doctor asks between me and my child... Choose her over me...I don't feel scared if something happens to me... My kooky will take care of my children... I am sure about that... But your Dad... He will be alone, be with him... Promise... Take care of him... And please don't hate my soobin... Aahaaaa... Jin screams out of pain...

Taehuyng felt a pang in his heart...

Pro... Promise... Me... You... But before Jin can complete... Doctors pull his stretcher to the theatre...

Tae just stands like a statue there...

Mr Taehuyng gives a word... Mother or child...

Mother... Our mother... He said with a Sutter...

Tae walks to Soobin and the maids...

I informed mr. Park. He will be here... The maid said to him.

He stare at Soobin who was looking at his hand which was covered with a blood stain... Tae walks to him...

Hyung... My mother... I don't have anyone... My papa... I will die...

No... Taehuyng immediately makes him in his embrace... Your hyung is here for you... Stay strong... Your mother and our baby will be here... Be happy... You are going to be the big brother... He pats his back...

Soobin hugs him... Hyung... He cried loudly... Taehuyng too... For the first time, Taehuyng cried for his mother and family...

It's been hours... Soobin was lying on his brother's chest... Mr Mrs Park is there with Jimin... Mr Park already informed everyone...

A click sound... Everyone get up and rush to the doctor...

It's a girl child... Shifted to incubator...

Jin? Mr Park asks...

Better. I mean this is not the first time he is facing this... He passes through the same situation years before... Both mother and baby are strong.

Can we meet them? Soobin asks...

Not the mother soon but you can see your sister from away... The doctor looks at the nurse.

Taehuyng and Soobin stare through the glass wall... A small thing in a glass box...

She is so small... Little one... Soobin said...

Yes. She is...

Hai... Baby Teatea... I am your small brother and this is your big brother... She is sleeping...

Hmm... Tae just hummed...

Hyung you become a brother at 26...she is going to confuse you and Dad...

You are 19 years old. A tall lad... She may call you uncle... Tae laughs a little...

Dad and uncle but I am sure bunny going to her crime partner...

Oh... God... They are going to make us crazy...

Yaa... Tae just side hugs his brother... Let's go... Let's meet him...


Jungkook cried one hour and thirty minutes after seeing the baby... at last, Jimin buys a pack of ice cream for stopping his cry...

She is so beautiful... Jin's father chirps loudly... Am became a grandfather again... I am is so happy and proud... He announced happily... Thank you, my dear children...

You are welcome, old man... Joon looks at him.

Don't be so happy... You will be an old grandpa soon... Is it Tae?  The old man laughs...

You become great grandfather...

Oh... An antique piece grandpa... Soobin high-five Jimin... Tae also joins their happy talking.

No one notice someone who was crying... They thought it was happy tears like he does before but it was tears of sorrow because he can't make his in-laws proud grandparents... He can't make that old man a great grandpa... He can't make his husband a father and finally, he can't be a mother...

Jungkook cried out of heart... I am nothing but useless... He thought to himself... Useless... He repeats the word in his head again and again...

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