Chapter 2 (18) Poseidon Broke the Oath Twice

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If you were to ask the other campers how I was ever since Thalia's tree was poisioned and Tantalus took over, they would no doubt say I was 'testy'.

Well I have overheard some people saying 'Is it just me or has Y/n been testy lately?'. Of course I ignored the converstion, even though it annoyed me. The only people who seemed to be able to have a prolonged conversation with me were my siblings, Clarisse, Charles, Will, and Mr D.

Percy and Annabeth seemed suprised at my mood, but I hadn't really cared. I mean I had more important matters to be concerned about. Like why Tantalus thought Eleanor would be fighting. Had Mr D not ordered him to leave those under 12 years old alone I would have broken his bones.

"Y/n why don't you take a break." Silena says snapping me from my thoughts.

I look at her as she brushes the pegasus' mane.

"You've been busy trying to hold the camp together with the other cabin heads, you need a break." Silena says now looking at me. "Go draw another picture of Thalia or catch up with Percy or Annabeth."

I nod as I get up and begin walking away from the stables. She wasn't wrong. Clarisse, Malcolm, Lee, Charles, the Stoll's and myself have been the ones keeping the camp together. Tantalus wasn't doing any good so we had to start.

Shaking the problems from my head I decided on where I would go to relax. The Big House, Chiron's apartment to be specific. He hadn't left yet, which made things more bearable.

Getting to the Big House I make my way to Chiron's apartment and hear 1960's lounge music coming from inside along with Percy's voice.

"Pony!" I heard a voice cry in rapture.

Walking into the room I see Annabeth and Percy, along with who I assume to be Tyson standing across from Chiron who seemed to be packing.

'So you're finally leaving?' I sign asking him and he turns to me with a sad smile.

"It seems that way my boy." Chiron said. "I trust you will do your best to keep things together?"

I nodded with a silent sigh. I turned to look at Percy and the cyclops Tyson, who was staring at me nervous. and waved at them.

"It's good to see you again Y/n." Percy greets and he hugs me.

After he pulls away I look at the cyclops and extend my hand. Might aswell be nice, and he did save Percy if I heard right and defeated the second bull.

He looked at if for a moment then at me confused.

"Tyson that's Y/n son of Aphrodite, he's mute. Y/n this is Tyson." Percy introduces us. Tyson shakes my hand crushing it, though I manage to hide the pain.

If he's a baby cyclops he might not know his strength. After that Annabeth greeted me with a hug then we all turned to Chiron.

Annabeth ran up and hugged him. "Chiron, what’s happening? You’re not … leaving?" Her voice was shaky. Chiron was like a second father to her.

Chiron ruffled her hair and gave her a kindly smile. "Hello, child. And Percy, my goodness. You’ve grown over the year!"

Percy swallowed. "Clarisse said you were … you were… and if I understood right, Y/n just now..."

"Fired." Chiron’s eyes glinted with dark humour. "Ah, well, someone had to take the blame. Lord Zeus was most upset The tree he’d created from the spirit of his daughter, poisoned! Mr D had to punish someone."

"Besides himself, you mean," Percy growled. Just the thought of the camp director, Mr D, made me angry.

"But this is crazy!" Annabeth cried. "Chiron, you couldn’t have had anything to do with poisoning Thalia’s tree!"

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