Chapter 11 (60) Quest Reward

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Circe's island seemed to have less women on it than before. I guess the pirate attack caused some of them to leave. I do wonder where they went though.

"Y/n you don't have to leave." Circe told me as she looked me over. "Also you seem just fine, no injuries and nothing left over from the shape shifting."

I was glad to hear the latter part of it, well both parts actually the latter part just didn't make me sad.

'But I have to finish my quest, and I don't want to make mama sad if I don't return.' I sign and she sighs.

"Such a good son." Circe comments as she runs her hand through my hair and before I knew it my hair was touching my shoulder.

I touched my hair suprised. She knew a spell to make hair grow? What other kinds of spells does she know? Looking towards Circe she was looking at me with a knowing smile.

"Are you interested in my magic?" She asked and I nodded quickly.

She looked at me for a moment as if she was studying me. Her hand went down to my bracelet and she fingered it for a moment humming.

"Wait here." She told me before walking out of the room.

Okay. Just sit here and wait. Simple.


I drummed my fingers on my knees as I waited. Looking down at my hands I notice the burned scars on my wrist. Mom wont be happy about it, nor will my siblings.

Got burned for a weapon that doesn't even work in helping me survive. I guess it's a cute bracelet, and I guess helping the maiden was also a good thing. She deserved rest. Stupid Nemesis.

I need to cut and file my nails. They're too long. Reaching into my pocket I take my nail file out and start to file down the nails. Guess I could also do my hair since Circe grew it back for me.

After quickly doing my nails I stand up and look around the room for a hairbrush. This is a spa so I should be able to find one, well it's a spa resort. Looking around a bit I finally find a hairbrush and start to do my hair infront of a mirror. Being on boat with pirates doesn't do your appearnce good, it helped Astolfo was there. Hope he's okay.

"Of course you're tending to your appearnce." Circe's voice spoke and I whirled around suprised about to throw the hairbrush. "Don't throw a hairbrush at me Y/n."

I slowly put the hairbrush down as I spot the book she was carrying. Wait is she gonna punish me by making me read a book?

"Why do you look scared?" She asked. "I'm going to hurt you."

'You have a book.' I sign.

"Dyslexia and adhd, right." Circe muttered. "This book will teach you how to use magic."

I looked at it curious taking the book from her and opening it. Could I use magic? It would solve the problem with getting blood on me and lessen the chance of me loosing control. Opening the book I flip through it and slowly realize one key thing.

'I don't understand any of this.' I sign to Circe with a pout.

She laughs making my face burn. "It would help if the book wasn't upside down and you didn't start from the back of it. If you have trouble you could ask one of my half siblings back at your camp."

Feeling embarassed I nod and turn the book around and flip to the first page of the book. It was a simple flame spell that would take color depending on your godly parent.

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