Chapter 6 (55) Holy Maiden's Hate

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Thalia PoV

I stared at the crackling camp fire as the other hunters talked around me. Bianca talked with Zoe. It seemed that Bianca would be the next lieutenant and I had no problem with it. Being a daughter of Hades she was powerful and seemed to be a good leader. Of course there was the whole holding grudges problem.

Glancing around my eyes fall on Eleanor. We haven't been getting along, well she's been ignoring and avoiding me. I have tried talking to her, but of course she didn't even act like I exsisted. Currently she was starring at her phone. From the look on her face I could tell something was bothering her.

"What's wrong Ellie?" I ask, despite the fact she will probably ignore me.

It seemed to be the case until she looked up. "It's big brother, he's not responding."

"What? Whens the last time you heard from him?" I ask concerned.

Y/n loves Ellie and wouldn't leave her worried. Which meant something was interferring with the connection of their phones, and that didn't seem to be good.

"Five days ago, when I called him for you." Eleanor says.

"Well he is on a quest." Artemis says gaining our attention.

"What?" Eleanor and I ask at the same time.

"He is on a quest for Poseidon." Artemis says. "I don't know where he is, but last I heard he was near the Sea of Monsters."

"That would explain not being able to message him." Eleanor says sadly.

"Lady Artemis." I say gaining her attention. Glancing over at Phoebe I see her giving me a supportive look.

"Yes Thalia?" Artemis ask and I look back and judging by her expression she already knew what I was going to say.

"I wish to leave the hunt." I tell her and some of the hunters gasp.

"Why?" Artemis ask not looking phased.

"It's for Y/n." I tell her being honest. "I have realized how I truly felt about him, and knowing that. Immortality doesn't matter if I can't be with him, nothing you can offer does."

Artemis stared at me for a moment as the hunters silently stared at me then to Artemis. The silence was broke by a sigh from Artemis.

"Very well." Artemis said, "If you said anything but the truth I wouldn't have agreed. You can stay with us until we stop by Camp Half-Blood next."

I smiled and nodded as I felt Artemis's blessing leave me. "When will that be?"

Artemis hummed. "Possibly in the next week or so, we will be needing to resupply."




Y/n PoV

The deeper I walked into the island the more stakes I came across. The odd part was that some of them looked burned, but luckily didn't have any bodies.

There was an odd whisper in the air. My ears barely picked it up. Though I couldn't make out what was being said, I could hear no glory or victory in the voice, only a sorrowful lamenting sound. 

It hurt to hear, but I couldn't really dwell on it. I was here for a reason, and it wasn't to help the whoever was whispering in the wind. Who even does that, Zeus when he's trying to flirt with a mortal girl? Well too bad I don't swing that way and Thalia is way more attractive! Artemis would be a second I guess... do I have a thing for his daughters? Then again who isn't his daughter.

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