Chapter 2 (51) Watery Prophecy

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Thinking that I shouldn't keep a god waiting, especially when he asked me speically to do something, and I didn't want to return to my cabin, I went to the Big House.

Small problem was that it was near 12am at night and I wasn't sure if Chiron was up or not. 

Luckily I saw a light on in the Big House as I approached. Getting up to the door I didn't get the chance to knock as Argus opened the door as I raised my hand to knock.

'I got to talk to Chiron.' I sign.

Argus stares at me for a moment before nodding and letting me inside. I see that Chiron was awake and he turned to me.

"Y/n, what are you doing awake at this hour?" Chiron ask turning to me.

'Poseidon told me to consult the oracle for a quest.' I sign.

"I see." Chiron says as if he expected this. "You know where the oracle is."

Nodding I make my way up to the attic. Which is dusty like always, does no one ever clean up here?

Looking around I spot the oracle sitting in its usual chair. Looking as dead and decomposing as ever.

I approached it and silently wondered if mouthing the quesiton would work. The lifeless eyes of the oracle bore into me as I stared back at it, it seemed to silently be asking me to ask it the question.

'What must I do to help the sea?' I mouth.

For a moment nothing happened until a green light flickered in the eyes of the corpse.

Green smoke poured from it's mouth as the corpse seemed to come to life. Next thing I knew I was in the middle of Thalia, Zoe and Artemis. They all had the same green light in their eyes.

"Fly out alone with guidance of the loved." Came Zoe's voice.

"Queen's Revenge leads you to the virgin." Artemis said.

"Ease the hatred of the past weilder." Thalia said.

"A fear by passed when the ship sinks." Artemis said.

"Youngest of fifty leads the way to the bound queen." Zoe said again.

"Face the first serpents maw for her safe return." Thalia said.

The green smoke faded along with the images of Zoe, Artemis and Thalia. The oracle sat in it's usual chair as if nothing happened.

I took a moment to make sure I remembered the prophecy before I decided to make my way back down stairs.

When I got back down I saw Chiron sitting in the same chair, but a duffle bag was beside him, it was sea green.

"What did the oracle say?" Chiron ask noticng me.

I took a moment before signing, 'Do you want me to write it down?'

He thought about it before nodding and got me a piece of paper. It took me a moment but I wrote down the prophecy exactly how the oracle had said it.

Fly out alone with guidance of the loved.
Queen's Revenge leads you to the virgin.
Ease the hatred of the past weilder.
A fear bypassed when the ship sinks.
Youngest of fifty leads the way to the bound queen.
Face the first serpents maw for her safe return.

Chrion read the paper and went into thought and put the paper back down on the table.

'Who's the bound queen?' I sign hoping he had an answer.

The only queen related to the sea that I could think of was Amphitrite, but why would she be bound and who would do such a thing?

"I have my guess." Chiron said.

'Amphitrie?' I sign, but he doesn't give me an answer, but from the look in his eyes I know I was right.

"The first two lines are of concern." Chiron said changing the subject. "You will need the guidance of the loved, and I don't have a clue as to what it may be refering too."

With guidance of the loved... that seems to ring some bell. The loved... loved... oh.

My realization must have shone on my face because Chrion had asked, "Do you have a guess?"

'Aimée.' I sign. 'The hippogriff I have.'

"That does translate to loved." Chiron said nodding. "Now for the Queens Revenge leads you to the Virgin."

'One of the virgin goddesses?' I suggest.

"Maybe... but I am not sure." Chiron said stroking his beard. "Queens revenge could mean Hera, but she only gets vengence on the ones who offend her."

'And the virgin goddess don't really do that... well Hestia doesn't' I sign and silently sigh.

"Seems like you must trust Aimée's guidance." Chiron said. He then remembered the duffle bag. "This is for you, I think Poseidon took the liberty and prepared it."

He hands me the dufflebag and I start to sift through it. My flintlock was in there along with a bag of treats that I assume are for Aimée. Their was some amborsia and the canteen of rum nectar. Besides a pair of clothes and a small drachma pouch I found a pearl. Picking it up I notice its like the pearls Percy had got to escape from the Underworld.

Will I be able to use it for myself this time or someone else again? I silently question. I carefully put it back in the drachma pouch.

"Good luck Y/n and may the gods be with you." Chiron told me.

I nodded appreciatively as I got up and headed out the door. I should probably say bye to my siblings before leaving.

Heading to back to my cabin I found myself growing more nervous than I thought I would be.

Silena's words hurt me, but not in the way that I expected. Part of actually believed her. I mean Thalia hasn't really proven the fact that she loves me...

Shaking the thoughts from my head I walk into the cabin and find that everyone is awake.

"Y/n!" Drew says noticing me. "Where were you? Are you okay?"

I nodded as they all seemed to notice the dufflebag.

"What's with the bag bro?" Cole ask.

'I got a quest.' I signed. 'Have to set out alone with Aimée.'

"What?" Silena says suprised.

Drew turns to glare at her and opens her mouth to say something, but I stop her.

"Y/n before you go..." Silena starts. "What I said was uncalled for-" I cut her off.

'It's fine.' I sign. 'You were just tired of seeing me sad and depressed.'

"yeah." Silena said weakly nodding looking away.

'I'll be back.' I sign as I head to the door.

"Bring me a souvineir back!" Alize shouts as I leave.

First stop the stables... atleast the quest doesn't have me cleaning them out.

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