AU : Just Siblings?

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So right off the bat this is Drew x Y/n.

It's greek mythology, inscest is expected so go whine to Zeus and Hera. The King and Queen set example for those below them.

Also using this as oppertunity to get my groove back into writing this Y/n.





Y/n could be seen laying on his bed the satin sheets layered around him.

The reason being, it was winter once again. With winter the cold came, not that Y/n minded the cold, but he didn't like shivering, it wasn't a good look.

One would think with how much Y/n bothered the Hephaestus cabin, with Drew's help, they'd make a heater, but no! Both year round children of Aphrodite are convinced it's to spite their mother.

"Y/n I'm cold." Drew complained and he didn't even look up towards her just kept his eyes on his phone watching a movie.

Drew pouted, despite the fact this was a routine that sort of developed. Drew liked getting attention, Y/n being the only one who she could get it from when every one else was gone left him to fufill her need. The problem was that to get his attention she'd need to get out of her bed go over to his, leaving her body to the cold cabin air.

"Y/n!" She yelled only to be ignored again.

She frowned as she got up  marched over to his bed. That was when he finally looked up at her with a curious expression and mouthed the words, 'Aren't you cold?'

She sucked her teeth before she got an idea, "Move over."

Y/n however was quite comfortable and decided to go back to ignoring her. Drew however ignored him ignoring her and pulled his covers off. If he wasn't going to scooch, she'd use the area he was giving her. And so she'd laid ontop of him before pulling the covers back over, now covering the both of them.

"Wow, your covers are really soft." Drew commented.

Y/n tapped her and she knew what he was asking, "I was cold, you are warm. We're sharing body heat. And no it's not weird, we're siblings."

She snuggled against me as Y/n flipped on his side to continue watching his movie. He didn't really mind Drew doing this, she did have a point after all. Sharing body heat meant they were both less cold.

Y/n wrapped his spar arm around Drew's waist pulling her closer as he absentmindedly fiddled with the tips of her long dark hair. Drew in response hugged him almost like a baby panda would  a zookeepers leg.

While she wouldn't admit this felt really nice, and smelled great too. She knew Y/n was great at taking care of himself, so she didn't know why she expected him to smell bad or something.

Slowly she drifted to sleep cuddling with her half brother, who was quite enjoying their position himself.





My dear sister, who I loved, like the rest of my siblings.

Ever since that night we cuddled and fell asleep together she has been... clingy I guess you could say. Not that I minded at all, I liked cuddles.

Every time we were relaxing in our cabin she'd always find a reason to stay in my bed with me. It was getting to the point where my bed was actually starting to gain her smell.

Now I know what you're thinking, what about Thalia? She's still a hunter dolt, and she's made it quite clear nothing exist between us. Though how she put it hurt, I appreciated the honesty and totally didn't cry my eyes out that night or the following two.

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