Chapter 1 (30) Rescue Operation Goes Very Wrong

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The Friday before winter break.

It was an eight-hour drive from New York to Bar Harbor, Maine. Sleet and snow pounded the highway. Annabeth, Thalia, Percy and I hadn’t seen each other in months, but between the blizzard and the thought of what we were about to do, we were too nervous to talk much. Except for Percy's mom. She seems to talk more when she’s nervous. By the time we finally got to Westover Hall, it was getting dark, and she’d told Annabeth and Thalia and I every embarrassing baby story there was to tell about Percy.

Thalia wiped the fog off the car window and peered outside. "Oh, yeah. This’ll be fun."

I nodded at that. I always liked the winter, fall was my favorite season, I would have loved to be sitting by the window watching hte snow fall, but Thalia and Annabeth insisted to have window seats. Though it provided an excuse for me to rest my head on Thalia's shoulder and take a nap on the drive.

Westover Hall looked like an evil knight’s castle. It was all black stone, with towers and slit windows and a big set of wooden double doors. It stood on a snowy cliff overlooking this big frosty forest on one side and the grey churning ocean on the other.

"Are you sure you don’t want me to wait?" Percy's mother asked.

"No, thanks, Mom," Percy said. "I don’t know how long it will take. We’ll be okay."

"But how will you get back? I’m worried, Percy."

"It’s okay, Ms Jackson." Annabeth smiled reassuringly. Her blonde hair was tucked into a ski cap and her grey eyes were the same colour as the ocean. "We’ll keep him out of trouble."

Percy's mom seemed to relax a little. She thinks Annabeth is the most level-headed demigod ever to hit eighth grade. She’s sure Annabeth often keeps Percy from getting killed. She’s right, but I don't think Pecy likes it.

"All right, dears," Sally said. "Do you have everything you need?"

"Yes, Ms Jackson," Thalia said. "Thanks for the ride."

"Extra sweaters? You have my cell phone number?"

"Mom –"

"Your ambrosia and nectar, Percy? And a golden drachma in case you need to contact camp?"

I nodded and held up the drachma pouch I always had on me... they were definetly not used as projectiles.

"Mom, seriously! We’ll be fine. Come on, guys."

She looked a little hurt. Percy left the car. Annabeth and Thalia followed him outside.

'We'll be fine Ms. Jackson.' I sign to her with a reassurring smile.

"Thank you Y/n." Sally told me.

When I got out the car I instantly made my way beside Thalia, and she laughed a little. The wind blew straight through my coat like ice daggers.

"Told you to wear something better." Thalia said, and I pouted.

I knew she was right, but I wanted to look cute, and besides I liked the cold anyways.

Once Sally's car was out of sight, Thalia said, "Your mom is so cool, Percy."

"She’s pretty okay," He admitted. "What about you? You ever get in touch with your mom?"

As soon as he said it, I wished I hadn’t. Thalia was great at giving evil looks, what with the punk clothes she always wears – the ripped-up army jacket, black leather trousers and chain jewellery, the black eyeliner and those intense blue eyes. But the look she gave Percy now was a perfect evil ‘ten’. "If that was any of your business, Percy –"

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