Chapter 7 (24) Sirens Show me Something

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As Percy piloted the ship I could only sulk. I really wanted to enjoy that spa. Not only did they take me away from it, but they released pirates to ransack it!

So maybe as a result I may have elected to give both Percy and Annabeth the silent treatmeant, as in not responding to them at all. They eventually noticed this, but could do nothing to stop it.

Their clothes were suddenly two sizes too big for them aswell. Wonder how that happened.

"So I got a question." Percy said and Annabeth turned to him while I made no sign of listening. "Why didn't Circe turn Y/n into a guinea pig?"

"Y/n looks rather androgynous looking, maybe he was an exception." Annabeth said shrugging.

"I guess." Percy said and I heard Annabeth sigh.

"It means his appearence is partly male and female, and their sex is hard to determine." Annabeth said knowing Percy was confused.

"Well in that outfit Y/n is really confusing." Percy said and I felt both of them looking at me.

I looked up at both of them with a raised eyebrow.

"What? You are." Percy defends himself.

"Y/n we tried to reason with Circe, we had to realse the pirates to escape." Annabeth said.

'Apologize.' I signed.

They both sigh and in unison, "We're sorry for destroying the spa."

I smile and snap my finger and their clothes go back to normal.

After that we kept sailing. We sailed through the night.

Annabeth tried to help Percy and I with the lookout, but sailing didn't agree with her. After a few hours' rocking back and forth her face turned the colour of guacamole and she went below to lie in a hammock.

I made myself comfortable in the bird nest and told Percy if I spot anything he'd get hit with a drachma and I'd point in the direction of the thing.

I watched the horizon. More than once I spotted monsters. A plume of water as tall as a skyscraper spewed into the moonlight. A row of green spines slithered across the waves - something maybe thirty metres long, reptilian. I didn't really want to know.

Once I saw Nereids, the glowing lady spirits of the sea. I tried to wave at them, but they disappeared into the depths, leaving me unsure whether they'd seen me or not.

Sometime around midnight Annabeth had came onto deck but I couldn't tell what they were saying, probably talking about the smoking valcano island we were passing.

We sailed around it not wanting to encounter any of his bronze monsters, which I was thankful for.

I stayed up in the bird nest the whole night, I managed to make myself rather comfortable in it, and eventually fell asleep.

My dream was normal at first. Staring at Thalia's tree with the camp in the background. It was a nice sight to see.

Though it took a turn when I started to hear lovely voices.

The dream shifted and I saw myself, but I was older. I was with my Mom and she was smiling at me, I could tell from the look on her face she was proud of me.

I couldn't help but smile at that. I loved making my mom happy and proud of me. I would do anything for her love.

A voice then spoke, "Hey dove gonna keep me waiting?"

I turned to face the voice, but only got a glimpse of black hair with a blue streak.

I was woken when I harshly hit the deck of the ship. I felt my shoulder get dislocated and tried to get up but I realized someone was infront of me.

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